Joy Spiliopoulos
The academic profile of Dr Joy Spiliopoulos, Research Associate (SAPPHIRE research group) at University of Leicester
Issues in Media and Communication
Module code: MS7616 This module will provide you with an insight into some of the current and salient themes of research trends in Media and Communication Studies.
Politics of the International Drug Trade
Module code: PL3142 The illegal drug trade has been estimated to take up almost 1% of all trade on Earth.
Issues in Media and Communication
Module code: MS7616 This module will provide you with an insight into some of the current and salient themes of research trends in Media and Communication Studies.
Politics of the International Drug Trade
Module code: PL3142 The illegal drug trade has been estimated to take up almost 1% of all trade on Earth.
Maite Usoz de la Fuente
The academic profile of Dr Maite Usoz de la Fuente, Lecturer in Spanish at University of Leicester
Issues in Media and Communication
Module code: MS7616 This module will provide you with an insight into some of the current and salient themes of research trends in Media and Communication Studies.
Politics of the International Drug Trade
Module code: PL3142 The illegal drug trade has been estimated to take up almost 1% of all trade on Earth.
Teaching and research staff
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Jingzhe Pan
The academic profile of Professor Jingzhe Pan, Chair in Mechanics of Materials; Dean of Dalian Leicester Institute (DLI) at University of Leicester