
9370 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Joy Spiliopoulos

    The academic profile of Dr Joy Spiliopoulos, Research Associate (SAPPHIRE research group) at University of Leicester

  • Issues in Media and Communication

    Module code: MS7616 This module will provide you with an insight into some of the current and salient themes of research trends in Media and Communication Studies.

  • Politics of the International Drug Trade

    Module code: PL3142 The illegal drug trade has been estimated to take up almost 1% of all trade on Earth.

  • Issues in Media and Communication

    Module code: MS7616 This module will provide you with an insight into some of the current and salient themes of research trends in Media and Communication Studies.

  • Politics of the International Drug Trade

    Module code: PL3142 The illegal drug trade has been estimated to take up almost 1% of all trade on Earth.

  • Maite Usoz de la Fuente

    The academic profile of Dr Maite Usoz de la Fuente, Lecturer in Spanish at University of Leicester

  • Issues in Media and Communication

    Module code: MS7616 This module will provide you with an insight into some of the current and salient themes of research trends in Media and Communication Studies.

  • Politics of the International Drug Trade

    Module code: PL3142 The illegal drug trade has been estimated to take up almost 1% of all trade on Earth.

  • Teaching and research staff

    Browse a list of Leicester Law School's University tutors, and see their email addresses.

  • Jingzhe Pan

    The academic profile of Professor Jingzhe Pan, Chair in Mechanics of Materials; Dean of Dalian Leicester Institute (DLI) at University of Leicester

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