Authentic Recipes from Around the World – University of Leicester
Project PI Deborah Toner reflects on how collaboration with non-academic partners is a major part of the project and how research impact is defined in academia
University of Sanctuary, University of Refuge
Posted by Martin Parker in School of Business Blog on February 24, 2017 This week, Martin Parker considers whether the University of Leicester should commit to being a University of Sanctuary for refugees.
Influencing central bank policies
Professor Panicos Demetriades’ research shows that institutional deregulation can lead to financial instability and poor economic growth.
England in the time of King Richard III MOOC
Finding the remains of King Richard III in a Leicester car park was an amazing breakthrough. If you’re interested in knowing more about this, as well as the time in England in which he lived, this short online course is for you.
HR and Employment at Leicester Without strategic guidance and education, employees and organisations have a tough time making real progress.
An archive listing of the spring seminar events of 2022.
Regulation of Sex Work
Module code: CR7155 The sex industry is a complex, intersectional and global economy which invites much criminological and sociological commentary and enquiry.
Becky Mayer Centre for Phage Research
The National Phage Centre in Leicester aims to solve pressing medical and agricultural needs through multidisciplinary research.
data science or statistics
discussion of the philosophy underlying a course on data analysis with R
Staff in Modern Languages are committed to presenting their work outside higher education, and to discussing research ideas beyond the University. Find out more about our outreach activities.