
21013 results for: ‘%s’

  • Understanding Ecosystems and Environments of the Distant Past

    Module code: GY3433 During this module you'll look at the main evidence for global environmental change during the Quaternary period.

  • Appraising the Evidence in Healthcare Practice

    Module code: NU2016 This module is facilitated through a combination of lectures, seminars and workshops, practice based learning and case studies delivered in small uni-professional groups and in multi-professional groups that involve students from midwifery and nursing.

  • Distance learning

    The University of Leicester School of Business has over 25 years experience of delivering high quality flexible distance learning courses. We offer distance learning courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral level. Find a course to suit you...

  • The UK and Migration

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on March 7, 2014 Impacts of Migration on UK Native Employment: An Analytical Review of the Evidence The Home Office finally released this week the controversial report by Ciaran Devlin and Olivia...

  • Resources

    The University of Leicester's available resources for teaching horizontal gene transfer.

  • Richard III gave battle in sand

    A time-lapse video showing the creation of a sand sculpture depicting the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 has been captured by the University of Leicester.

  • Leicester pledges support for CEASE campaign

    Our University has pledged its support for the CEASE campaign - the Commitment to Eradicate Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of children in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland - launched by Leicestershire Police.

  • Genetics lectures

    Find out about the genetics lectures that the University of Leicester offers to local schools and colleges.

  • Alumni volunteering

    What are the benefits of volunteering? Access our exclusive alumni benefits Make a difference to the lives of current University of Leicester students Share your expertise and develop new skills both for professional and personal development Meet new friends...

  • Earth Observation Data Integration Pilot

    The research project aimed to identify and capitalise on the opportunities that the Sentinel satellites offers for the monitoring and management of forests and woodlands.

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