Exercise Physiology and Pharmacology
Module code: BS2014 ‘Exercise Physiology and Pharmacology’ will build on your knowledge of human physiology and pharmacology and develop your understanding of the structure, organisation and function of the neuromuscular junction, and the different elements of the...
Hidden disabilities
Members of the School EDI Committee have identified the importance of talking about hidden disabilities. Mrs Helen Emery, our Operations Manager has identified the importance of starting conversations to understand how disabilities can affect our colleagues within the workplace.
College of Social Sciences Arts and Humanities (CSSAH)
LeMID (Leicester Microbial Sciences and Infectious Disease) academic staff members from the College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (CSSAH).
Personalised Space Technology Exercise Platform (P-STEP)
Principle Investigator - Andre Ng (Cardiovascular Sciences) CEHS Investigators - Josh Vande Hey and Anna Hansell P-STEP an ESA-funded innovation project to develop an app to advise patients with long term conditions on exercise, taking into account air pollution and...
Exercise Physiology and Pharmacology
Module code: BS2014 ‘Exercise Physiology and Pharmacology’ will build on your knowledge of human physiology and pharmacology and develop your understanding of the structure, organisation and function of the neuromuscular junction, and the different elements of the...
New Technology, Work and Organisation
Module code: MN3126 As new technologies are developed and permeate our workplaces, how we interact with them can often play a huge role in our relationship with our jobs, both positive and negative.
Computer Science Project
Module code: CO4015 The purpose of this project is for you to combine knowledge and skills acquired in level one, two and three Computer Science modules in the production of a suitable project.
American Film and Visual Culture
Module code: HA1224 This module examines the importance of the United States within film history and the importance of narrative cinema and other forms of visual culture within 20th and 21st century America.
Authorship and Authority
Module code: EN7241 If you choose the 15,000-word MA English Literature dissertation, you will also take this module.
Media and Communication Research Methods 1
Module code: MS7004 Module Outline Starting with an overview of key trends and debates in approaches to communication research, this module offers an introduction to central methods and approaches for the study of media and communications content.