Early Modern Fantasies and Fears
Module code: EN2303 Although horror and fantasy were only formalised as distinct genres in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, both have very deep roots.
Student complaints contacts
Find out about the feedback and complaints procedures and contacts according to the appropriate department or service within the University of Leicester.
1st August 2015 Sol 1060
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on August 1, 2015 Successful drilling at Buckskin! Like the other drill holes this is showing how thin red Mars is.
Flood and Flow: Place-Names and the Changing Hydrology of River-Systems
Flood and Flow is two-year interdisciplinary research project, funded by The Leverhulme Trust.
12th May 2013 Sol 272
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on May 12, 2013 Here is an image of the drillhole, and the tailings around it, taken by the MAHLI microimager on the robotic arm. In the tailings pile and within the hole (it is 1.
New theorems could help robots to correct errors on-the-fly and learn from each other
Errors in Artificial Intelligence which would normally take a considerable amount of time to resolve could be corrected immediately with the help of new research by Leicester mathematicians.
Richard III rediscovered in unique Yornight event
A panel event featuring experts directly involved with the discovery of Richard III in Leicester will take place today between 7:00pm - 8:30pm at Yornight, Tempest Anderson Hall, Yorkshire Museum.
Industrial Advisory Board (IAB)
The Department of Informatics at the University of Leicester has an Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) to foster co-operation between the Department and key industrial partners in areas of common interest.
Immunity, Infection and Chronic Disease
Module code: MB7309 In spite of important advances over the past half century in combating infectious diseases, they remain a major challenge for humanity, especially because of the emergence of previously undescribed pathogens such as HIV, SARS, and H5N1, the increasing...
Immunity, Infection and Chronic Disease
Module code: MB7309 In spite of important advances over the past half century in combating infectious diseases, they remain a major challenge for humanity, especially because of the emergence of previously undescribed pathogens such as HIV, SARS, and H5N1, the increasing...