Global Media and Communication MA
This is for you if... you want to understand the relationship between the processes of globalisation and communications and how they shape our world.
Management, Finance and Accounting MSc
Finance and accounting are the backbone of many organisations. But without good management, things can easily fall apart. You’ll learn how to solve complex finance and accounting problems, and keep organisations moving in the right direction.
2024 BEE UK Conference
1st Annual Conference of the Network of the Behavioural and Experimental Economists based in the UK (BEE-UK) Date Thursday 11 - Friday 12 July 2024 Venue Brookfield, University of Leicester School of Business About the Conference The Behavioural and Economic Sciences (BeES)...
ICAI – Independent commission for aid impact
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on December 13, 2012 The independent body responsible for the scrutiny of UK aid. A useful starting point for considering effectiveness. Reports from 2011 onwards are online.
Disability and employment
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on November 22, 2024 Trade Board records can give us a rare glimpse into the experiences and treatment of individual workers with disabilities or chronic illness in the early 20th century.
Leicester Pro-Vice-Chancellor discusses studying at several universities
In the recent Higher Education and Research Bill, the Government proposes that students should get transferable credits for modules and feel free to move between higher education providers.
Virginie Raux
Virginie Raux is an experienced leader in international financial services with 20 years of experience gained across Asia, Europe, MENA, the US and South America.
With an increasing global population and a need to minimise environmental impact for future generations, the development of new materials is an essential building block for many sectors.
Genetics for higher education Genetics for higher education student working in a lab with others in the background Genetics for schools and colleges Genetics for schools and colleges Science students doing experiment in laboratory|Genetics deals with heredity and variation.
Section 2 - The Members of the University
Read Section 2 of our Statutes, entitled The Members of the University. This section outlines the terms of membership of the University, and who is considered a ‘Member’.