
21017 results for: ‘%s’

  • Engineering Management

    Module code: EG3008 All Professional Engineers are involved in managing engineering activities in some way, and this module will give you a good knowledge of the management concepts and techniques that are particularly important in engineering.

  • Contemporary Political Philosophy: Theories of Justice

    Module code: PL2027 Social justice is a term often bandied around on social media, usually in a pejorative manner.

  • Policing and Terrorism

    Module code: CR3035 The problem of terrorism is highly present in public discourse, the ‘war against terror’ is a prominent feature of politics and the media.

  • Microbiology 1

    Module code: BS2010 In this module you will learn fundamental theoretical aspects of bacteriology, including culture techniques, energetics, grouping of bacteria, infectious diseases and industrial uses of bacteria.

  • Archaeological Heritage

    Module code: AR7601 This module will introduce you to key themes in the study of heritage. The early sections will explore the concept of heritage in its diverse forms (both tangible and intangible), and how this is linked to ideas of value and memory.

  • Marketing Strategy and Innovation

    Module code: MN7013 This module will enhance your understanding of marketing strategy and innovation, both within Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) contexts.

  • Archaeological Heritage

    Module code: AR7601 This module will introduce you to key themes in the study of heritage. The early sections will explore the concept of heritage in its diverse forms (both tangible and intangible), and how this is linked to ideas of value and memory.

  • Contemporary Political Philosophy: Theories of Justice

    Module code: PL2027 Social justice is a term often bandied around on social media, usually in a pejorative manner.

  • Medical Devices and Prosthetics

    Module code: EG3063 Medical devices are defined by the MHRA as “any instrument, apparatus, appliance, software, implant, reagent, material or other article intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings.

  • Computational Biology

    Module code: EG3064 A complex multi-scale biology is integral to the healthy functionality of the human body. It is important to understand how gene interactions mediate cellular behaviour, and how networks of cells regulate tissue and organ functionality.

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