
15052 results for: ‘museum studies’

  • Steering Group

    Professor Sarah Davies, Committee Chair Role title: Pro Vice Chancellor and Head of the College of Science and Engineering, Professor of Sedimentology Background: I am Pro Vice-Chancellor and Head of the College of Science and Engineering.

  • Participants and talks

    Learn more about the titles and abstracts of the variety of speakers at the spring 2017 workshop at University College Cork.

  • “New views of Jupiter” showcases swirling clouds on giant planet

    Posted by Physics & Astronomy in Leicester to Jupiter: The Juno Mission on May 11, 2018 Members of NASA’s Juno mission team, some of the world’s leading observers of Jupiter, and citizen scientists from across the globe are attending a workshop ‘New Views of Jupiter:...

  • What I Wish I had Known Before Doing This PhD

    Posted by Martin Coffey in Postgraduate Researcher Careers on January 21, 2021 Today’s post is from Graham Frobisher, who is currently studying part-time for a PhD. Let’s get the elephant firmly out of the room, at the age of 73 I am not a typical or even normal PhD student.

  • Quizzes in Reflect recordings

    Posted by mmobbs in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on November 13, 2018 Did you know you that you can add quizzes to your Reflect recordings? This feature can add a level of interactivity to recordings and presents a number of learning and...

  • Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching: Academic and staff blogs from the Uni

    Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester

  • The learning outcomes teachers should set for themselves – University of Leicester

    The 'Learning Outcomes Project' at the University of Leicester. The learning outcomes teachers should set for themselves.

  • A Certain Glamour: Evelyn Waugh and Nostalgic Fashion – University of Leicester

    Evelyn Waugh's 'Let Us Return to the Nineties,' and a reading of nostalgic fashion from the 1890s to the 1990s

  • A new union supports struggling artists in times of austerity

    Latest University of Leicester CAMEo Cuts edition exposes the dire working conditions of many artists and explains how Artists’ Union England, a new trade union for artists, campaigns for improvements

  • Sanctuary pre-applicants, applicants, students and alumni privacy notice

    Please also read the University’s main pre-applicant student notice. Information you need to know The Sanctuary Seekers’ Unit is part of the University of Leicester, who are the Data Controller for the information collected.

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