23rd May 2014 Sol 639
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on May 23, 2014 This MAHLI image (with a contrast stretch) shows the path ahead towards Murray Buttes and across the dark dunes to Mt. Sharp.
Biological Sciences (Neuroscience) MBiolSci
Computers are powerful machines, but no computer is more powerful or complex than the human brain. Studying neuroscience will reveal how brains and nervous systems work in animals, including humans – and what happens when something goes wrong.
Documentary highlights how humans created an artificial planet Earth
The impact humans have had on planet Earth and how we have created an ‘artificial' planet will be explored in a new documentary by an award-winning journalist featuring Professor Jan Zalasiewicz (pictured) from the Department of Geology.
Yan Ying
The academic profile of Dr Yan Ying, Associate Professor at the University of Leicester
The American West
Module code: AM2212 (double module) Ever since the founding of the United States in the late 18th century its Western territories and frontiers have been closely associated with its national identity; and since Frederick Jackson Turner published his seminal essay on the...
Archaeology of Islamic Societies
Module code: AR7388 Islam originated in the Arabian Peninsula in the seventh century CE, but it spread very quickly around the world and today it is one of the most important religions all over the world and forms part of the moral and cultural upbringing of millions of people.
Unexpected Recall and Overdue Library Notices
11 September 2020 Have you received a recall and overdue notice about your Library books? If so, do not be concerned, these emails can be ignored. Over the last 24hrs you may have received recall and overdue notices from the University Library. These emails can be ignored.
Module code: CR3021 Policing occurs in a complex, fragmented and changeable world. The role of the police in responding to crime and disorder has significant impacts on individuals, communities and populations.
Genomics: A Microbial Perspective
Module code: BS3009 How do you determine which virulence factors, genes and gene networks are important for the pathogenesis of microbes? How do we identify new antibiotic and drug targets? Why do microbes change so fast? Genomics is a major area of research and is having a...
John Larrad
We have learned with regret of the passing of John (AJ) Larrad, who worked in the Department of Physics and Astronomy from the early 1970s to his retirement in 1986.