Leicester academic featured in the Times Higher Education

Professor Martin Parker from the School of Business has written an article for the Times Higher Education about ‘predatory publishing’ and why it may be time to eliminate the false dichotomy between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ academic journals.

In the piece, which is featured in the Thursday 26 January edition of the THE, Professor Parker outlines how some journals offer speedy publication in return for a fee, which can appeal to academics eager to get papers published quickly.

These journals, however, can be of low quality, Professor Parker argues, and potentially damage the integrity of the publication system.

Professor Parker then comments on the broader journal industry, which is dominated by gigantic and highly profitable corporations.

In the article Professor Parker says: "Predatory journals may publish some awful rubbish, but so, if we are honest, do mainstream journals.

"In reality, all journals are driven by the same combination of market and need: an identical alchemy of self-promotion, driven by a profound emptiness."