Centre for Endangered Archaeology and Heritage


Name Research areas Countries/regions Contact
Centre leadership      
Professor David Mattingly Saharan civilisations; Heritage management; Decolonial approaches North Africa djm7@le.ac.uk
Professor Ruth Young Post-conflict archaeology and heritage; Historical archaeology Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Lebanon rly3@le.ac.uk
Dr Laura Basell Biocultural heritage/Indigenous local knowledge (ILK); Digital heritage and geomatics; Decolonial approaches East Africa and Western Europe lb434@le.ac.uk
Dr Ahmed Mahmoud Landscape archaeology; Heritage monitoring; Remote sensing and machine learning
Middle East and North Africa amam9@le.ac.uk
Dr Giorgia Marchiori Digital recording methods; GIS and spatial analysis in archaeology; UAV Morocco gm387@le.ac.uk
Dr Alice Samson Indigenous Caribbean archaeology; Pre-Columbian and colonial Caribbean; Households, settlements and caves; Integrated landscapes; Material culture; Indigenous religion Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Caribbean avms1@le.ac.uk
Dr Nichole Sheldrick Rural landscapes; Remote sensing; Digital heritage; Roman and Late Antique North Africa North Africa, particularly Libya, Tunisia, Morocco ens4@le.ac.uk
Dr Sarina Wakefield Transnational cultural heritage and museology; Politics of heritage; Cultural management, marketing and business development; Transnational education and knowledge economies Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Sri Lanka sarina.wakefield@le.ac.uk
Dr Selena Wisnom Ancient Mesopotamian languages, literature, and history; Intellectual history of the near east; Theatre and performance; Intangible heritage Middle East, with particular emphasis on Iraq lsw14@le.ac.uk
Dr Anne Marie Williamson Archives and digital collections Libya, Northern Africa amw67@le.ac.uk

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