Centre for Endangered Archaeology and Heritage
News and Events
Latest news will appear here.
Occasional Lecture Series
- 27 June 2024. Ruth Young, Coastal archaeologies and heritages of the recent past in Jaffna, Sri Lanka
- 20 June 2024. David Mattingly, Nichole Sheldrick and Giorgia Marchiori, The Oasis Civilisation Project: Fieldwork in Draa Valley, Morocco, 2021-2024
- 13 June 2024. Mohamed Kenawi, Climate Change and Urban Developments: the case of the Heritage Houses of Rosetta (Egypt)
- 6 February 2023. Dr Ella Egberts, Ancient waterways and the Girsu Project, Iraq
- 6 December 2022. Abdelrhman Fahmy, Multi-analytical diagnostic approaches for the assessment of materials and decay of the archaeological sandstone of Osiris Temple (The Abaton) in Bigeh Island, Philae (Aswan, Egypt)
- 25 June 2024. Environmental Futures and Heritage: Grant Scanning Workshop.
- In collaboration with the Institute for Environmental Futures
- Organisers: Laura Basell and Ahmed Mahmoud.
- 2 June 2023. Ethics and Decolonizing in Post-Conflict Archaeology and Heritage
- Organisers: Ruth Young and Paul Newson
- 27 April 2023. Other Egypts: Heritage, Archaeology and Landscape Transformation
- Organiser: Mohamed Kenawi
- 3 March 2023. Monitoring Landscape and Climate Change
- Organiser: Nichole Sheldrick