University seeking those in the business for emerging talent

Businesses from across Leicestershire and beyond are being invited to take part in a flagship careers event at the University of Leicester.

Bookings open this week (16 March) for businesses to register their place for the Festival of Careers taking place in October.

This year the Festival will span across 3 weeks and will include a selection of fairs, talks, workshops and employability sessions known as ‘fringe events’ to help students explore their future options and meet employers.

Unique to this year, students will be able to download a dedicated app providing information on all the employers present, where they are located, and what kind of roles they are currently recruiting for. This provides students with a new and exciting way of finding out about employers beforehand, and help them prepare.

The Festival is also an opportunity for SMEs to learn more about the support on offer from the university, particularly in the form of recruitment support and potential for placement student funding. The Career Development Service is actively looking to work with more SMEs, and help them to grow and develop – joining us at the Festival is a great way of starting that relationship.

Bookings open for employers on 16 March and early bird prices are available until 13 April so book your space as soon as possible. More information and booking forms can be found by going to the Careers Fairs home page or by contacting the Employer Engagement Team at