Museum Studies at Leicester
Oversight and scrutiny
Museum and Society secures and maintains high academic standards in the following ways.
The journal adheres to the principles and guidelines set out by COPE in relation to authorship. Readers and reviewers should contact the journal if they find evidence of malpractice or serious error in the research reported by authors. They should also do so if they suspect plagiarism, libel, or any other impropriety. Any such reports are passed to the Chair of the Editorial Board, who, in consultation with the Managing Editors, determines how best to proceed. In all such cases authors will be informed about, and be asked to respond to, the charge. In cases where plagiarism is proven or there is no response to the charges from the author(s) within sixty days, the editors may refuse to review or publish additional articles by the author(s) for a minimum of one year.
In egregious cases the journal may find it necessary to publish an apology. Where an apology is deemed necessary it will published online and communicated to readers who have registered their email addresses with the journal.
Issues concerning these matters are reported to the editors at the annual board meeting with a view to reviewing policy and ensuring best practice.
New editors are mentored and advised by an established member of the board.