Library and Learning Services
Feedback and Comments
We welcome your feedback or comments on any of our services, spaces or resources and the way we deliver them. Tell us what we're doing well or not so well and any changes you'd like to see. Your feedback will help us plan our services in the future.
Providing feedback
For feedback or comments can be sent to us by emailing, or by using the online feedback form
You can as contact us:
- By completing a comments form available in the Library
- By telephone: +44 (0)116 252 2448
- By speaking to a member of staff at the Information Hub
University of Leicester staff and students can provide feedback to or via their School or Departmental Student Staff Committees.
Please ensure that you provide us with you contact details if you would like us to respond directly to you.
Feedback events
We hold feedback events throughout the academic year. Details will be available online and via social media.
You said, We did
We will post summarised actions based on your feedback in the David Wilson Library and online through our webpages.