Languages at Leicester

Latin Beginners (Level 1)

This course is aimed at people who want to learn Latin for Reading and Research purposes. Lessons focus on developing reading and text interpreting skills, allowing a fast pace progress. If your language level ranges from beginners to lower intermediate, you are welcome to join.

Key information

Course started in October 2023

  • Course: Details will be published shortly 
    Delivery: On-campus (fact-to-face)
    Timeline: Details will be published shortly 
    Lengths: 20 weeks (60 learning hours)
    Fees: £300 (payable in two termly instalments of £150 each)  

This course will be taught in a small group. It requires a minimum of 7 and it can have up to a maximum of 12 students. The course fee includes all tuition, access to VLE (virtual learning environment), handouts and any tests/exams, but not a textbook. 

Term 1 runs from October to December, Term 2 from January to March and Term 3 from April to July. A full course comprises 60 learning hours. Lessons are two hours long and take place once a week. When enrolling you are committing to the full 20 weeks. There is the option to pay for the full course in one payment or two instalments. You are welcome to join in the second term of a course if you have previous knowledge and experience of the language.

Enrol now

Entry level

No previous knowledge of Latin is required. Although it would be beneficial, the course is suitable for absolute beginners.

Course content

Learning on this course will take place at an accelerated pace to enable you to read Latin texts from a large range of time periods. Each session will focus on fundamental aspects of Latin grammar, including both morphology and syntax. In addition, you will begin reading texts immediately and building a working vocabulary, thereby increasing the amount and level of your Latin knowledge with every session.

As the course progresses, your tutor will find out the genres and periods most appropriate to the interests of each student and will tailor readings accordingly.


The tutor will provide any necessary handouts and resources.

Our approach

This course aims to take learner from a basic level towards independent reading of authentic texts in Latin. Reading skills are developed by systematically working through short texts and focusing on the recognition of key grammatical structures (verbs, tenses, sentence patterns and word order, negation, nouns, connectors, pronouns, adjectives, prepositions, the passive, idioms, etc.). You will also develop dictionary skills and practise reading strategies to interpret and translate texts in Latin.

Students will be encouraged to seek opportunities to learn and practise outside the classroom taking advantage of learning resources provided by tutors and the programme. The group size is limited to 12 students and planned to allow intensive interactive practice with individual feedback and advice on progress.


Upon completing this beginners level for Reading and Research purposes (Level 1), you can progress onto the Intermediate level Reading and Research purposes (Level 2).

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