Languages at Leicester

Korean Beginners (Level 1)

This is for you if you have no prior knowledge of Korean (or so little that you effectively want to start again from scratch). You will learn basic skills to enable you to make yourself understood and to find out information in everyday situations.

Key information

Course starting in January 2025

  • Course: Wednesdays 3.00pm - 5.00pm
    Delivery: On-campus (face-to-face)
    Timeline: Starts 29 January - ends 2 July 2025
    Lengths: 20 weeks (60 learning hours)
    Fees: £270 (payable in two termly instalments of £135 each)

Courses started in October 2024

  • Course: Mondays 5.30pm - 7.30pm
    Delivery: On-campus (face-to-face)
    Timeline: Resumes 20 January - ends 24 March 2025
    Lengths: 10 weeks (30 learning hours)
    Fees: £135

These courses require a minimum of 8 and it can have up to a maximum of 20 students. The course fee includes all tuition, access to Blackboard, handouts and any tests/exams, but not a textbook. 

Term 1 runs from October to December, Term 2 from January to March and Term 3 from April to July. A full course comprises 60 learning hours. Lessons are two hours long and take place once a week. When enrolling you are committing to the full 20 weeks. There is the option to pay for the full course in one payment or two instalments. You are welcome to join in the second term of a course if you have previous knowledge and experience of the language.

Enrol now

Entry level

This course is suitable for absolute beginners.

Course content

Term one

  • The Korean Alphabet
  • Introducing yourself
  • Countries and Nationalities
  • Family and Occupations
  • Basic verbs

Term two

  • Places and locations
  • Common adjectives
  • Ordering in a restaurant
  • Telling the time
  • Daily routines


Yonsei Korean 1-1 (English Version) by Yonsei Korean Institute.

There isn’t a University bookshop however The European Bookshop website holds our book list and offers a 10% discount to all our students. Languages at Leicester reading list.

It is not essential to bring a course book to the first class. The tutor will discuss book requirements in class and advise you of the best places to obtain the book if required. With some languages there is the option for us to order textbooks on behalf of a class.

Our approach

This course is taught in Korean and English. Our programme aims to develop the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as cultural awareness. It provides a good balance between understanding the culture, vocabulary, writing system (characters) and grammar structures of the Korean language and enhancing communication and interaction. It supports comprehensive and productive skills in speech and writing through authentic based activities and guided practice in the use of Korean language. Students will be encouraged to seek opportunities to learn and practise the four skills outside the classroom taking advantage of learning resources provided by tutors and the programme. The group size is limited to 16 students and planned to allow intensive interactive practice with individual feedback and advice on progress.


Upon completing the Beginners level (1), you can progress onto the Post-Beginners level (2).

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