Languages at Leicester

Learning & Teaching Opportunities in Far East Asia (China, Japan & South Korea)

We hold information sessions to provide details about a Summer School in Japan and three teaching programmes aimed at final year students in China, Japan and South Korea, two lectures on Asian life, culture and opportunities and three taster sessions.

Summer School in Kanazawa Japan (KIT-SPJ)

The Summer School in Japanese is hosted by the Kanazawa Institute of Technology (KIT), it will take place in June and July 2025 in Kanazawa, Japan. All university students can apply (undergraduate, master and PhD students). For further details, please contact the Study Abroad Unit.

EPIK programme

Teach English and live in South Korea. The English Program in Korea (EPIK) program is sponsored by the Korean Ministry of Education. EPIK was established in 1995 with the mandate to improve the English speaking abilities of students and teachers in Korea and to develop cultural exchanges. Learn more about life in South Korea!

JET programme

Teach English and live in Japan. The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme is an official Japanese Government scheme aiming to improve foreign language teaching in schools and to promote international understanding. Find out more about life on JET!

AYC programme

Teach English, Learn and Live in China. Ambassador Year in China (AYC) is a unique program for university graduates to spend a year teaching, learning, and making a difference at public schools across China by becoming Educational Ambassadors. Participants experience the challenges and unique rewards of immersion into one of the world’s fastest developing economic and cultural landscapes. Find out more about stepping into AYC!


These lectures are open to all students.

  • Daily Life in Japan by Jacob Lotinga. This session will talk about Japanese society, its rich culture and mix of millenarian and modern traditions.
  • South Korea by Jacob Lotinga. This session will take you through a guided tour of Korean fortresses with photos and stories, and it will also talk about Korean history and other aspects of its culture.

Event Schedule

Details on the above events will be published in the Autumn 2024.

Language Taster Sessions

We are running a limited number of one-hour Taster Sessions at beginners level giving you the chance to try learning a few basic phrases of the language that interests you. Our tutors will also describe the benefits learning languages and its prospective impact on your studies, personal and professional life. Places for Taster Sessions will be booked on a first come first served basis.

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