International Ocean Discovery Program

IODP Mission-Specific Program (MSP) logging summaries

Logging programmes and the collection of downhole data form an element of all IODP expeditions. In the past, while the LAMONT Doherty Earth Observatory (alongside the logging consortium) ran logging operations and supported Logging Staff Scientists, web-based logging summaries were routinely produced for JOIDES Resolution expeditions.

These logging summaries enabled prospective researchers and onlookers alike to quickly gain an understanding of the extent and the significance of the downhole data produced by IODP on an expedition-by-expedition basis.

While these logging summaries are no longer compulsory expedition deliverables, past summaries can still be found online for the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP – 1985-2003) and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP – 2003–2013) phases.

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