Festival of Social Science


The University of Leicester's Festival of Social Science 2021 is spanning the month of November. The in-person and online events address a range of important topics, including: young people, cartooning and political literacy, and psychologically informed skim reading techniques.

Learn more about our events and how you can book.

Skim Reading? Get Crafty and Informed!

1 - 30 November 2021 (daily)

Lots to read but not enough time to read it all carefully? The "Skim reading? Get crafty and informed!" resources, will be available throughout November. Videos will explain the science behind how skim reading can affect comprehension. Young adults (and others if they wish!) can also follow a video “craft-along” to make a bookmark/postcard to remind them about effective reading strategies during their study time.

Cartoonathon: Youth Dialogue on Social Media

5 - 29 November 2021 (daily)

An Instagram take-over of Shout Out UK, using political cartoons to engage young people in dialogue around the environment, COVID-19, and inequality. The take-over will culminate in a cartoon competition, with three £50 gift cards up for grabs!

Let's Plog

13 and 20 November 2021

Two sessions at Leicester schools to introduce the idea of plogging (picking up litter while jogging).

Dictating to the Estate

10 November 2021

This event showcases a documentary play about the rebuild and gentrification of Grenfell Tower followed by a Q&A with the play's director and other speakers.

Youth Opportunities? The Long-Term Impacts of Youth Training and YT Schemes (1960s-2020)

15 November 2021

The recently-announced £2bn Kickstart jobs scheme has origins in the Youth Training Scheme (YTS). This event will explore what lessons can be learned from the earlier variants and what the long-term impacts were of participating in YTS.

Films and the Rest of Us

17 November 2021

This workshop explores the representation of disabled people in film and addresses questions such as how this might impact identity construction and what accessibility barriers remain pervasive within society.

Exploring Communities: Pearl Jephcott's Creative Research Practice

26 November 2021

This event refocuses attention upon the overlooked contributions of Pearl Jephcott upon the field of Sociology and research methods.

Supporting University Students in Times of Global Health Crisis and Beyond: Findings from the UniCoVac Study

26 November 2021

This workshop discusses the research findings of the recent UniCoVac study, drawing upon these themes in group discussions around student wellbeing and vaccination efforts moving forward into a post-pandemic society.

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