
Confirming your place

Whether Leicester is your Firm or Conditional choice, you should check UCAS frequently to monitor the status of your offer.

Leicester as Conditional Firm (CF) choice

If you’ve got the grades you needed for the offer we made you – congratulations! We can’t wait for you to join us in September. We will confirm your place automatically through UCAS and confirmation will appear on UCAS. We will then send you a welcome pack and you're on your way to becoming our newest Citizen of Change.

If you narrowly missed the conditions of your offer, we may still accept you, so check UCAS frequently. If we can't accept you, we will release you to your insurance choice or into Clearing so you can find a place elsewhere.

Leicester as Conditional Insurance (CI) choice

If your CF choice releases you and you meet the conditions of your Leicester offer, you will automatically move to Unconditional Firm (UF) with us. This will be confirmed on UCAS. We will send you our welcome pack and you're on your way to becoming our newest Citizen of Change.

If you narrowly missed the conditions of your Leicester offer, we may still accept you, so check UCAS frequently. If we can't accept you, we will release you into Clearing so you can find a place elsewhere.

Contact us

If you have any queries or questions, call our Confirmation phone line on 0116 252 2222.

And don't forget to keep checking UCAS frequently as things can change pretty quickly!

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