Chaplaincy to the University of Leicester
Chaplaincy to the University of Leicester
A place of welcome for students and staff of all faiths and none
The word 'chaplain' means 'to come alongside'. It stems from the story of Saint Martin of Tours, a Hungarian Roman soldier-turned-monk, who encountered a man begging with no cloak. The story goes that Martin instinctively cut his own cloak in half to share with the beggar, and that night dreamed of Jesus wearing the half-cloak. These principles of sharing, companionship and being present with the suffering are the roots of all chaplaincy.
The Chaplaincy is a Christian charity which supports the University to offer a service for all students or staff as an expression of our own Christian faith. The University also provides information and advice regarding some of the other major world faiths.
The best way to keep up-to-date with us is through our social media channels. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram.