Core Biotechnology Services


  • Nobody is allowed to use a microscope without training by a member of the AIF.
  • All users have to complete a user form, contact Dr Kees Straatman.
  • If you work with live samples requiring containment level 2 you or your PI has to submit an AIF biosafety form, contact Dr Kees Straatman.
  • No food and drinks in the microscope rooms.
  • If you have booked a microscope but are not going to use it, delete your booking, so others can use this slot.
  • Don't install any software or make any changes to the computers within AIF. If special software is required contact Dr Kees Straatman.
  • If you use wet samples on the microscope you must be alert for spills on the stage, objectives, microscope table etc. Spills must be cleaned up immediately.
  • Only use oil on an objective that is meant to be used with oil.
  • Only use the provided lens tissue to clean objectives. Don't use lens tissue to clean oil from your slide.
  • The bins provided in the microscope rooms are NOT for lab waste (with exception of the microscope room in the RKCSB). Please take lab waste, like gloves, pipette tips and eppendorf tubes back with you and dispose of these in your own lab.
  • After you have finished using the microscope check who is next, using the online calendar. The last user of the day is responsible for switching off the microscope.
  • Remove your samples from the microscope if you are finished. Don't leave them in the microscope room but take them back to the lab.
  • Don't use the imaging computers or the analysis computers for data storage. As soon as you have analyzed your images remove them from the systems. You are responsible for storage and backup of your data. If you need an account on the Research Data Storage server (R-drive), contact Dr Kees Straatman.
  • If you publish work supported by the AIF, e.g. by using one or more of our microscopes or support for image or data analysis, it is obligatory to include a sentence in the acknowledgement in addition to any personal acknowledgement. For example: 'We thank the Advanced Imaging Facility (RRID:SCR_020967) at the University of Leicester for their support.' Please include the RRID number (Research Resource IDentifier) what is a international unique identifier allocated to the AIF.
  • When publishing results obtained using the Zeiss LSM980 Airyscan 2 confocal laser scanning microscope you are also required to acknowledge the BBSRC grant nr: BB/S019510/1.
  • Any publication supported by the AIF has to be reported so it can be included in the Publications list.
  • If you encounter any problems or you are not sure about something contact Dr Kees Straatman.

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