
Exam arrangements

If you have confirmation of your condition, then the University will usually consider putting in place any recommendations that an Educational Psychologist, specialist assessor, doctor or consultant makes. You should provide a copy of your most recent medical evidence to the AccessAbility team. Students with a specific learning difficulty should provide a full and formal assessment report.

Once AccessAbility has a copy of your paperwork, and a member of staff has met with you to discuss the recommendations, then the examination arrangements can be put in place. Although you may have told us about your disability on your application form, you must contact the AccessAbility team to discuss exam arrangements. Exam arrangements are not put in place until you have discussed them with a Study Adviser in AccessAbility.

Typical exam adjustments are:

  • 25% extra time
  • An amanuensis or scribe
  • Coloured paper
  • Enlarged fonts
  • Use of a word processor

The AccessAbility team requests certain adjustments on your behalf, and these are then considered and put in place by the Examinations Office. It is very important that requests are made and the appropriate form filled in at the earliest possible opportunity. There is a deadline for completion of exam requests and it may not be possible to make adjustments that are requested at very short notice.

If you require any adjustments to exams, please make an appointment.

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