
The assessment process for current students

If you are referred for a full assessment, your name will be added to a waiting list. You should wait for AccessAbility staff to contact you to offer a full assessment. The assessment appointment lasts for about 2 hours. You will need to fund your dyslexia assessment unless you have a household income which is confirmed by your student loan company as being below £60,000, this may be subject to change at any time but AccessAbility staff will be able to tell you if it changes. Students in this situation will be able to apply for means tested hardship funds. You will be asked to fill in an Hardship Fund form in order to apply for this funding.

The educational psychologists and specialist assessors charge the University for missed appointments, so it is very important that you let AccessAbility know (giving at least one working day of notice) if you cannot attend. If you are more than 15 minutes late for the appointment, the assessor cannot carry out the assessment before the next student arrives, and you will not be seen on that occasion. If you are worried about your ability to remember the appointment, please tell AccessAbility staff.

The assessment report

Once the assessment report has been written, the educational psychologist or specialist assessor will send it to AccessAbility. You will then receive an email from the Secretary inviting you to meet with a Study Adviser to discuss the conclusions and recommendations. If you have a specific learning difficulty, it is at this appointment that you will be given information about setting up extra time in exams. You will also be given information about applying for a Disabled Students' Allowance.

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