Centre for Urban history

Choosing CUH

The Centre for Urban History conducts cutting edge teaching and research in urban history and related fields. Our Masters courses offer a nationally recognised training in Urban Conservation and in Urban History. Beyond the Masters' programmes you can research a range of topics at PhD or MPhil, where you will benefit from the expert supervision of our staff. 

The Centre for Urban History provides a stimulating research environment where graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and teaching staff - together with visitors from Britain and abroad – exchange knowledge and ideas. 

Study at CUH

  • CUH is sited in a building dedicated to graduates – the Marc Fitch Historical Institute
  • Teaching: nationally accredited programme of courses presented by internationally renowned staff
  • Excellent completion rates for MA and PhD students
  • A nationally important collection of library resources for the study of Urban, Transport and Local History
  • Six archives within 1 hour; London: 75 minutes to British Library
  • Visitor programme for staff and post-docs brings new ideas to CUH
  • Sociable environment – need we say more!

Study in Leicester

With more than 30 academic staff members the School of History at Leicester offers a very wide range of study opportunities for undergraduates, taught postgraduates and research postgraduates. Courses range across world history from the early middle ages to the contemporary world.  The University's reputation has been enhanced in recent years by its position in the National Student Survey as well as the various media league tables (THES Awards, Guardian League Table and the Good University Guide).

In the RAE 2008, 50% of our research was designated world leading and 90% was judged to be internationally significant.

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