TIMMS: Improving outcomes for babies and children

Optimising care for women, parents and families experiencing mid trimester baby loss

This programme of work is funded by the National Institute of Healthcare Research through a personal advanced fellowship awarded to Professor Lucy Smith. Lucy is undertaking research that aims to optimise care for parents experiencing mid-trimester loss by reducing variation in policy and practice across the UK.

This programme of work is part of the TIMMS research group at the University of Leicester. TIMMS is known worldwide for carrying out research to improve pregnancy outcomes and the survival and long-term outcomes for babies born early (preterm).

The studies

  • Estimating the burden of mid trimester pregnancy loss in the UK (Professor Lucy Smith and Dr Jonathan Broomfield)
  • Parents experiences of mid trimester pregnancy loss (Professor Lucy Smith, Deborah Bamber and the Miscarriage Association)
  • Developing recommendations for providing evidence-based best practice (Professor Lucy Smith)
  • Understanding Muslim parents’ experiences of second trimester pregnancy loss where there is a problem with their baby’s development (Sadia Haqnawaz, PhD Student)


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