LCFC Programme of research

The Leicester City Football Club (LCFC) Professorship was established following a generous donation from the LCFC to the University of Leicester. The donation is being used to fund research that aims to improve the health of Leicester’s children, both today and in the future. 

The LCFC Programme of Research in Child Health is part of The Infant Mortality and Morbidity Studies (TIMMS) research group at the University of Leicester. TIMMS is known worldwide for carrying out research to improve survival and long-term outcomes for babies born early (preterm).

Our studies

  • A study of babies born late preterm and early term in Leicester City: The Leicester Early Birth Study (Professor Elaine Boyle)
  • Should our baby be born early? What say do we have? (Frances Mielewczyk, Researcher)
  • Who supports breastfeeding for babies born a few weeks early? (Vimbai Mamombe, PhD Student)
  • How you feed your baby who arrives a little early – does it affect how they grow and develop?  (Alice Kavati, Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and PhD Student)
  • How do mum's health and baby's early life experiences impact immunity? (Will Dodwell, Paediatrician in training and PhD Student)



Born just a few weeks early: Does it matter?

An event to mark World Prematurity Day 2023 was held on 17 November 2023, 5.00pm-6.00pm, at the George Davies Centre, University of Leicester

The GDC was lit up in purple to highlight World Prematurity Day. 

Get involved

Are you interested in the health and wellbeing of babies and young children in Leicester and Leicestershire? Can you help us improve our work into the health of babies and young children? We are looking for parents, members of the public and representatives from relevant organisations to join our Parent and Public Advisory Group (PPAG). We would love people from a range of backgrounds to join our group.


  1. Mielewczyk FJ, Boyle EM. Uncharted territory: a narrative review of parental involvement in decision-making about late preterm and early term delivery. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2023 Jul 18;23(1):526. Doi: 10.1186/s12884-023-05845-6. PMID: 37464284; PMCID: PMC10354979.

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