Postgraduate research
What is a DTP /CDT?
Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) or Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) are multi-institutional schemes designed to support the training of the next generation of world-class researchers.
Benefits of a Doctoral Training Partnership
- You'll be part of a cohort of other research students, creating a community and exciting learning environment
- You'll receive a stipend to help support yourself during your studies
- You'll be able to collaborate with leading researchers and benefit from being part of a partnership
The University of Leicester is a partner in over ten CDTs/DTPs through which we can offer funded PhD studentships in a wide range of research areas. Studentships are available to highly motivated and qualified applicants and provide a generous support package usually including a full fee waiver, annual stipend, and research training support grant.
Each DTP/CDT has its own application schedule and deadline. Enquiries outside of the main application periods are welcomed.
Available DTPs/CDTs
- Midlands 4 Cities Partnership - funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
- Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership (MIBTP) - funded by Biosciences and Biotechnology Research Council (BBSRC)
- Central England NERC Training Alliance (NERC CENTA) - funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
- AIM (Advanced Inter-Disciplinary Models - funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC)
- Genomic Epidemiology and Public Health Genomics - funded by the Wellcome Trust
- Leicestershire Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Doctoral Training Programme - funded by the Wellcome Trust
- ESRC Midland Graduate School DTP
- DigitalMetal CDT
For details of other studentships funded by Research Councils and all other funded postgraduate research opportunities, please see the main studentships listing.