Postgraduate research

Visiting PhD students

If you want to start your PhD here studies are the University of Leicester please refer to the Research Degree subject pages not the information below.

If you are currently a PhD student at another university and want to come to the University of Leicester to undertake a small piece of research, which supports the PhD at your home university, you can apply for a place as a visiting student for a period of up to 1 year by following the advice below:

In the first instance, you should look for a potential supervisor who is willing to host your visit. Make contact with the supervisor by email and discuss the research you would like to do here as a visiting student. If the supervisor is willing to consider hosting you please submit a formal application as detailed below.

Refer to the supervisor research interests on relevant subject pages to look for potential supervisors. 

To apply

When you have found a suitable supervisor please submit your application online using the links below.

Please select the application date closest to your preferred start date - click on the link to access the online application portal.

Submit your online application and include

  • The name of the academic member of staff who will supervise your visit 
  • Your proposed visit dates/duration
  • A short proposal of the research you would like to conduct and include the proposed start date and end date of your visit
  • A reference from your current PhD supervisor, which confirms your current student status, permission to study abroad and suitability for undertaking research at the University of Leicester
  • CV
  • Evidence of English proficiency, if available
  • Copy of your most recent degree certificate and transcript e.g. Bachelor/Master’s
  • State how you intend to fund your visit

If accepted the PGR Admissions Office will send you a formal offer letter which will confirm all the details about your visit. 

Bench fees will be at the discretion of the supervisor depending on the costs of research to be undertaken and will be included in any offer we may make.

Please be aware any letters provided direct by supervisors to support funding applications are not a formal offer of a place you still need to submit a formal application.

Visa requirements

Visits of up to 6 months

  • ATAS clearance will be required for most science based research - we will send you a research statement and advise on how to apply with your offer letter if applicable
  • Evidence of English proficiency may be required by the academic department
  • Standard Visitor Visa will be required if you live outside of the UK
  • Note you cannot extend this visa and you cannot bring dependents with you.

Visits of more than 6 months

  • ATAS clearance will be required for most science based research.  If you are required to obtain ATAS clearance we will send you the information you need to apply with your offer letter.
  • Evidence of English language proficiency will be required to meet UKVI rules.  If not already obtained this will be included as a condition of the offer.
    • Please refer to our entry requirements for acceptable evidence of English proficiency for the department you will be visiting.
  • Student Visa will be required. 
  • We will send you information about how to apply for your CAS for your visa once your offer is unconditional, and, where applicable, the ATAS clearance certificate has been obtained. 

For further advice, please contact PGR Admissions on

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