
Medicine MBChB (A100)

Browse our entry requirements for the A100 Medicine MBChB course.

These are the academic entry requirements for UK students for A100 Medicine MBChB course for 2025 entry. You must have evidence of academic study within three years of application. If you studied outside the UK, please see our academic requirements for international students.

If you wish to read more about our mitigating circumstances procedure, widening access programmes including UKWPMED and recent admissions statistics, please visit our Applying to Leicester Medical School page. This page also includes information on admissions requirements such as UCAT.

Please see our scoring document (PDF, 304kB) for how we score and select applicants for interview based on academic and UCAT performance. You may also wish to download our FAQs (PDF, 5.38MB).

Please note that if your fee status changes during the cycle your application may become void as the scores to get to interview and/or offer differ between home and international applicants, and the interview experience may also differ. We will try and identify candidates who may change status and send out fee questionnaires before making any decision but we cannot guarantee we will identify everyone correctly.

Academic qualifications

GCSEs - all candidates

Applicants must have achieved at least a grade B or 6 in English Language (as a first language), Maths, and two sciences (including Chemistry and Biology or Double Science). For students taking Methods and Applications in Maths our minimum requirement is a Grade B or 6 in both, but we will only score the Methods in Maths.

For applicants who have taken qualifications other than GCSEs, an assessment of equivalence will be made. If candidates have not sat formal examinations at this stage then internal school transcripts must be submitted to before the October UCAS deadline (this will be the case for the majority of international candidates).

We do not specify a minimum number of A* or 8/9 grades at GCSE. However, we do take GCSE performance into consideration when selecting applicants for interview, as competition for our places is so intense.

GCSE resits

We will consider resits in GCSE English Language or maths from any applicant. We will only consider resits in other GCSE subjects if there are very significant mitigating circumstances that have been previously agreed by the admissions tutors in writing.

You can apply for mitigating circumstances by completing our Mitigating Circumstances Form and sending any supporting evidence to with the email subject: 'Mitigating Circumstances Evidence - SURNAME_Firstname' e.g. Mitigating Circumstances Evidence - SMITH_John 

All results must be listed on the UCAS form (i.e. first and resit grades), and predicted grades must be listed in the ‘qualifications not yet achieved’ column and not solely mentioned in the academic reference.


Our requirement is A*AA at A-level, in three subjects including Chemistry or Biology (with practical aspects) and one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths or Psychology, but excluding General Studies, Citizenship Studies, Critical Thinking or Global Perspectives. The A* would need to be in one of the sciences as mentioned above. We will consider applicants with AAA (including two sciences as above) and EPQ grade B or an AS-level grade A in a fourth subject, or grade B in the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate / Advanced Skills Baccalaureate Wales qualification.

If you have taken four full A-levels (not including overlapping subjects such as Maths and Further Maths), we can also give an alternate offer of AAAB. In this case, all A-levels must be completed in Year 12 or 13. If one of the four A-levels is a language subject other than English of which the candidate is a home or native speaker, we would require AAA in the three remaining A-levels.

Since we know predicted grades can be inaccurate, we will score any candidate predicted at least AAB (or ABB for UKWPMED applicants).

A-levels sat in year 12 will not form part of the pre-interview selection process, nor will fourth subject AS-levels, except in the rare situation of a candidate being in a borderline group. Candidates must take three subjects in year 13 to show they can cope with the depth and breadth of study required. A-levels (or equivalent) must usually be obtained within two years of GCSE exams.

Where applicants study Maths and Further Maths, only one of these grades will count towards a potential offer.

If a candidate’s third A-level is a language subject other than English of which they are a home or native speaker, then an adjusted offer will be made to reflect this if they get to offer stage. We will ask candidates to sign a declaration as to whether they are a native or home speaker of that language later in the application process.

Please note that we do not consider the ICCE (International Certificate of Christian Education) as equivalent to A-levels.

For students who have successfully competed one of the UKWPMED programmes (including Access Leicester: Medicine) we would make an alternative offer of ABB. For students who have successfully competed a Realising Opportunities Programme we would make an alternative offer of AAA.

A-level resits

Year 12 resits (first sit of A Levels after 3 years)*

Candidates who for significant health or social reasons have taken 3 years to sit their A levels for the first time will be considered, but this will have to have been formally agreed by the admissions tutors ahead of application. The latest date for receipt of requests will be 1 October in the year of application, and all requests, along with supporting formal evidence should be sent to If you wish to receive a decision before the UCAS closing date we would need the evidence by 1 September for it to go to the mitigating circumstances panel in time.

A Level resits*

Applicants who had not attained the required grades at first sit, will only be considered with resits if there is substantial mitigation that has been previously agreed by the admissions tutor. All mitigation requests should be sent along with formal supporting evidence to by the 1 October. If the request is received by midnight of 1 September, we will provide a definitive response as to whether or not the mitigation is accepted before the UCAS closing date; after this date we are not able to guarantee that candidates will receive a response before the UCAS closing date.

*please note that the grade requirement for applications to A100 with resits will be at least A*AA; or AAB if a UKWPMED student.

You can apply for mitigating circumstances by completing our Mitigating Circumstances Form and sending any supporting evidence to with the email subject: 'Mitigating Circumstances Evidence - SURNAME_Firstname' e.g. Mitigating Circumstances Evidence - SMITH_John 

International Baccalaureate

We also accept the International Baccalaureate (IB) with a minimum score of 34 points overall, and a minimum score of 7,6,6 in three Higher Level subjects including Chemistry or Biology, and one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths or Psychology. The 7 would need to be in one of the sciences as mentioned above. We will also consider candidates with an overall score of 36 and 6,6,6 in their three Higher Level subjects including two sciences as mentioned above.

Scottish Advanced Highers

We will consider Scottish Advanced Highers either alone or in combination with A-levels. Our standard offer is AAA, to include Chemistry or Biology, and one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths or Psychology. We will also consider the 2 sciences at Advanced Higher (grade AA) plus 3 other subjects at Highers level (grades AAB). We will not consider you if you are only taking Scottish Highers.

Irish Leaving Certificate

Our entry requirements for students who have studied the Irish Leaving Certificate are four subjects at H1 (including Chemistry or Biology, and one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths or Psychology), with a further two subjects at H2.


A single Level 3 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma or National Award will be considered at Distinction*, in combination with A-levels at A*A in Chemistry or Biology, and one of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths or Psychology, provided there is not significant subject matter overlap with the A Levels.


Applicants must have achieved or be predicted a minimum of an upper second-class honours (or equivalent) in their Bachelor’s or integrated Master’s degree in order to be considered. We will consider graduate applicants from any discipline, provided the applicant meets our minimum GCSE requirements and has a BBB or ABC at A-level including a B grade in either Chemistry or Biology.

You must have completed, or be in the final year of your degree when you apply. In addition, we will not consider a second undergraduate degree, Masters or PhD in lieu of obtaining 2:1 or 1st class honours in your first degree. Graduates in their final year who do not provide a suitable academic reference from their current institution will not be considered.

All applicants must show evidence of recent academic attainment - within 3 years of the UCAS closing date. Graduates of vocational professions may be considered after this if they can demonstrate ongoing professional development.

Deferred entry for graduates

We will not consider deferred entry from graduate entry applicants. If after interview an offer is made and then (for financial or other reasons) an applicant wishes to defer, we would instead consider their reapplication for entry the following year. Provided their academic and UCAT score remained competitive, we would make them another offer without asking them to repeat the interview. Please note that we are unable to give any indication of the likelihood of the success of a subsequent application, as this will depend on the quality of all applications received.

Access to Medicine

We will consider candidates with the Access to HE Diploma (Medicine) provided their particular qualification conforms to the QAA subject descriptors for medicine with 45 graded L3 credits at distinction, and passes in the 15 ungraded credits. All applicants must meet our minimum GCSE requirements.

We will only consider mature applicants (must be 22 years or more at registration) by this route, with evidence of five years' paid employment, or an apprenticeship post-school, including at least a year in a relevant caring role.

We will not consider the Access to Medicine course from students who could have undertaken A-levels (i.e. school leavers), nor in lieu of poor science A-level results, nor poor A-level results in graduate applicants. Graduates with an Access to Medicine Diploma are scored and ranked as other graduates (some allowance may be given for the diploma if achieved in addition to non-science A-levels).

We will also require Access candidates to submit a full CV at the time of application, detailing all their previous schooling and educational qualifications, all previous work experience (paid or unpaid), and highlighting and explaining any educational or employment gaps.

Other qualifications

If your qualifications are not listed on our website, please complete our admissions enquiry form (Word, 53kb) and send this to us at

Other requirements


All applicants to Leicester Medical School are required to take the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) in the year of their application. This test helps universities widen access and make fairer choices amongst the many highly-qualified applicants who apply for medical degrees.

Age on entry

Applicants must be 18 years old by 1 September of their year of entry. This is due to patient contact from Semester 1.

Applicants who do not meet our age requirement may still apply and we will consider their application in the normal way. However, we will ask such applicants to defer starting their degree until they meet our age requirement.


Academic scoring and the interview process are undertaken without consideration of any health or special circumstances. However, if you are made an offer and you accept, you will be required to complete a Health Screening Questionnaire. Some applicants will be asked to have a formal Occupational Health assessment. Whilst this is to see if they are fit enough to enrol, it is mainly to see what reasonable adjustments are suggested and to give advice on support both on the course and as a doctor in training.

The UK government requires that all medical students in this country must be screened for hepatitis B.

Whilst we cannot mandate that all medical students in a healthcare setting have had at least two Covid-19 vaccinations, this is recommended. It is the responsibility of all medical students to put patient safety as their first priority.

Under current GMC rules it is not possible to omit any part of the medical course curriculum, so you must have adequate vision, hearing and manual dexterity to undertake the entire curriculum. The GMC's document outcomes for graduates: practical skills and procedures (PDF, 450kb) delineates all the mandatory practical procedures for completion of the course and preliminary registration. These should be read in conjunction with the GMC's welcomed and valued document.

DBS checks

The University is required to use the government's Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to assess the suitability of applicants to medicine. If you have previous or pending cautions or convictions you should contact us in writing. All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.


We will consider repeat applications in the following circumstances:

  • Applicants presenting with achieved or predicted A-levels, IB or equivalent who have applied once before but have not been interviewed, will be considered and scored as usual on their second application. Subsequent applications will not be considered without further qualification at degree level.
  • Applicants presenting with achieved or predicted degree who have applied once before with their degree, but have not been interviewed, will be considered and scored as usual on their second application. Subsequent applications will not be considered without substantial evidence of paid employment in a caring role.
  • Applicants presenting via the Access to Medicine route who have applied once before but have not been interviewed, will be considered and scored as usual on their second application. Subsequent applications will not be considered without substantial evidence of paid employment in a caring role.

In all cases, applicants who have been rejected following interview will only be considered in the following year’s cycle if their interview score was no more than 5% below the level required to be on our waiting list in the year that they applied. Since they will be considered to have had prior interview experience the two scores will be averaged.

If a candidate was interviewed as an undergraduate, was not successful and then applies as a graduate, the previous interview score will be disregarded.

UCAT will need to be retaken in every year of application.

Candidates who were invited to interview but failed to attend and did not inform the Medical School as to why, will not be considered again.


You cannot transfer from a medical degree at another university because of the fully integrated nature of the medical curriculum.

Deferred entry

We welcome applications for deferred entry, and candidates applying for deferred entry will be treated exactly the same way as standard applicants.

Should applicants change their mind and decide to defer during the application process we will accept requests up until 1 April. Due to the UCAS deadlines with offer making we will not consider later applications for deferral unless there are significant unforeseen circumstances affecting the individual only that have been agreed by the Admissions Tutors.

We do not consider deferral requests from graduate applicants.

Work experience

We do not have minimum work experience requirements. We are more interested in what you have learnt from any life experience, rather than what you have done.

We know that getting medical work experience can be difficult, but remember there are online work experience options available, for example - Observe GP - and many community volunteering options.

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