
CAS number

This information applies to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

What is a CAS number? 

A CAS is a number issued by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) to show that you made an application and have been accepted by a genuine university in the UK. You cannot apply for a visa to study in the UK without this number.

How do I get a CAS number from the University of Leicester?

You must have an unconditional offer from us and must have provided us with information such as your passport number. We will contact you throughout the application process with all the information you will need. If you are a Masters or Undergraduate student, you must have also paid your £3,000 deposit.

How long does it take to get my CAS number?

When you have your unconditional offer and have provided us with all of the necessary information, we aim to get your CAS to you by email within two working days. If you have applied through an agent, we will email your CAS number to both you and your agent.

I have my CAS number but I want to pay more fees. Can I do this?

Yes, you can but it depends what stage you are at with your visa application. If you have not used your CAS number from the University of Leicester to make a visa application you can pay any fees for tuition or accommodation up to 10 days before your visa appointment. We will update your record and send this information to UKVI.

If you have already used your CAS number from the University of Leicester to make a visa application you can pay any fees for tuition or accommodation before you arrive. We are not able to update this information with UKVI as you will already have applied for your visa. 

How long is my CAS number valid for?

Six months. After this time, if you do not use your CAS number to make a visa application, the number will expire.

I have a CAS number for another university. Can I use this number to come to the University of Leicester?

No, you can’t use this CAS number. You can only use a CAS number that has been given to you by the University of Leicester.

I don't have a passport yet. Can I still have a CAS?

No, we must have your passport details in order to apply for your CAS. If you don't have your passport details yet, please let us have them as soon as they are available.

I have a sponsor who is paying my fees. What do I do now?

If you have a sponsor who is paying your fees you must take evidence of this to your visa appointment. You must also complete a University sponsor form (Word docx, 25kb) so we know not to invoice you for the fees.

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