Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Friends and supporters of the Centre

volunteers at the centreThe work of the Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies relies heavily on donations. Every gift made to the Stanley Burton Centre is important for its activities in the future at the University of Leicester, the East Midlands, the UK and overseas. Among other activities, we constantly seek to improve and expand our collection of primary and secondary sources in our Resource Room for teaching and research, we support our PhD students, organise international conferences and lectures, and expand network activities with other institutions.

Supporting the Centre

For further information on supporting the Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies please get in touch with the Director at

Currently, the Burton Centre is seeking support for the following activities:

  • To acquire new shelves and technical equipment for the Resource Room
  • The Centre welcomes book donations to Holocaust related topics
  • The Centre welcomes donations to fund research scholarships, travel grants, or specific publications. Such awards would normally take the form of 'The [name of donor] Research Scholarship/Grant etc awarded by the Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies'.

Donors are honoured on our plaque for donors. Donations may be eligible for Gift Aid.

We are proud of maintaining a close working relationship with the Wiener Library in London, the world's oldest Holocaust memorial institution.

plaque showing supporters namesSupporters and donors

  • Audrey and Stanley Burton (Burton Trust)
  • D. Cohen (in memoriam)
  • Derek Paul Downey (in memoriam)
  • Gerald Fleming  (in memoriam)
  • Dr Mac Goldsmith (in memoriam)
  • Pierre Gildesgame Trust
  • Margaret Greiff
  • John Hoffman
  • Dr Saul Issroff
  • Dr Valerie Marett
  • Dr Frank May
  • Professor Aubrey Newman
  • Dr David Rosenberg
  • Dr Patricia Keefe Rosenberg (in memoriam)
  • H. Solomosici (in memoriam)
  • Dr Martin Stern

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