Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

About the Centre

stanley burton resource room

The interdisciplinary Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (SBC) is the oldest existing Holocaust research centre in the UK, established through an endowment from the Burton Trust to pioneer research, teaching and engagement with the history of the Holocaust and Jewish history. The Centre's name was changed to Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust Studies 2011 to reflect the broadening of its research focus towards a comparative perspective.

The SBC aims to foster its reputation as an internationally renowned Centre and to provide an institutional home to promote internationally and world-leading research, teaching and impact in the field of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Jewish history and the aftermath of violent conflicts. We stand for a comparative and cultural-history informed approach to Holocaust and Genocide Studies and are widening the interdisciplinary remit of the Centre to take in a greater emphasis on questions of memory and conflict, concepts of race and ethnicity, identity formation, and topics relating to post-1945 European and world history.

The SBC is committed to the University's international focus by fostering international exchange and collaboration. We are committed to providing an inclusive and inspiring environment that nurtures the next generation of researchers, being home to a large cohort of funded postgraduate students that are often co-supervised across the University's colleges. An inspiring and inclusive environment is provided through regular events and opportunities for exchange.

We are committed to having local impact, for example through an ongoing partnership with Leicester City Council around Holocaust Memorial Day. The Centre engages in contemporary debates and is dedicated to outreach and dissemination activities related to the Centre's research focus and expertise.


The Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust Studies was founded in 1990, adjusted under its present name in 1993 under the auspices of the Burton Trust. The name was extended to 'Genocide Studies' in 2011.

The Centre does not directly employ any staff. Its income, derived from the original capital grant from the Burton Trust, is used exclusively for the purposes outlined above.

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