Information on timetables for new students starting at the University of Leicester.
Martin Coffey: Page 3
Postgraduate Career Development Adviser, Doctoral College Team.
Postgraduate Researcher Careers: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester: Page 3
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
About the School of Biological Sciences
Learn more about the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Leicester. This school, which is part of the College of Life Sciences, is globally recognised for excellence in genetics.
Teaching methods
Chemistry degree programmes at the University of Leicester help you to develop the knowledge and skills needed by professional chemists. Our teaching staff will help and encourage you to develop these skills by providing you with a variety of learning opportunities.
Students with long term conditions
Find out about the support on offer for students with long term conditions.
Expert opinions cover students registering to vote in the EU referendum advances in cancer research and why we are PROUD of Leicester
Professor Paul Boyle, President and Vice-Chancellor of our University, has written an article about the importance of voting in the EU referendum and how it is a once-in-a-generation opportunity for young people to influence their futures.
SensusAccess - convert e-files to a format that suits you
What is SensusAccess? SensusAccess is a self-service cloud based re-formatting tool. Students and staff can convert an electronic document to an alternative format. Once converted, the accessible document is sent back to your University email inbox in minutes.
Literary Leicester (to 19 November)
About Modern Languages at Leicester
The University of Leicester is currently ranked 7th in the country for Modern Languages by The Guardian's University Guide. We have teaching and research expertise in French, Italian, Spanish (including Latin America), and translation and interpreting. Find out more.