Pathways team privacy notice for individual learners
Learn more about how your data is handled when applying or participating in partnerships and events from the Pathway's team at Leicester.
Ever thought about donating your body?
“Donating your body for medical education isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but you’d be surprised how many people consider it."
National Trust and University of Leicester launch pioneering film to explore fascinating stories of disability from the Trust’s sites and collections for the first time
Everywhere and Nowhere is a collaboration between the National Trust and the University of Leicester’s Research Centre for Museums and Galleries The collaboration shines a light on ten fascinating stories of disability from collections and sites in the National...
Our environment over a billion years: travel through time into Leicester’s deep past
Experts at the University of Leicester host an evening exploring landscape change and biodiversity in the city and county on Thursday 23 March
Leicestershire's Chief Constable speaks about his time at the University and what policing means to him
Leicestershire’s Chief Constable Rob Nixon, has spoken of the importance of his journey through Higher Education
Leicester Oral History Archive collection
The Leicester Oral History Archive is an extensive collection of over 500 interviews with a wide range of interview topics such as health, childhood, education, housing and many others. Learn more about the project.
Ian Bradley
It is with great regret that we have learned of the death of Ian Bradley, a member of the Economics Department for 40 years. Martin Hoskins with help from Deborah, Derek Deadman and Peter Jackson has written the tribute below.
Dr Roger James
We have learned, with sadness, of the death of Dr Roger James, a former Reader in Immunology in the Department of Respiratory Sciences (previously Infection, Immunity and Inflammation). Roger was born on 8 September 1949.
Akoya Vectra Polaris slide scanner
The PerkinElmer Vectra Polaris slide scanner can be found in the Advanced Imaging Facility. Learn more about it.
Nixon Court building works
Learn more about building works taking place throughout Nixon Court during the academic year to refresh the exterior of the buildings.