Motor Cities
Leverhulme Research Project Grant (£154,757) October 2011-September 2014 Professor Simon Gunn and Dr Susan Townsend (University of Nottingham) In the last half century the automobile has transformed life in cities across much of the globe, offering unprecedented freedom...
Research suggests people with forms of earlyonset Parkinsons disease may benefit from boosting niacin in diet
People with certain forms of early-onset Parkinson’s disease may benefit from boosting the amount of niacin in their diet, according to new research from our University. Niacin, or Vitamin B3, is found in a variety of foods, including nuts and meat.
Sunday 7th October Sol 61
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on October 8, 2012 One of the major challenges in preparing a spacecraft for Mars is ensuring that the chemical analyses made by the instruments, in particular for the SAM mass spectrometer are not contaminated by material...
Breakthrough study reveals new insight into immortal plant cells
A new study has revealed an undiscovered reprogramming mechanism that allows plants to maintain fitness down the generations.
Planetary Atmospheres
Planetary atmospheres exhibit an incredible diversity across the worlds of our Solar System, from the enormous hydrogen-rich atmospheres of the Gas Giants, to the terrestrial atmospheres of Venus, Earth, Mars and Titan, to the tenuous and thin air surrounding worlds like...
Automobility and the Urban Environment in Nagoya and Birmingham
The University of Leicester's Leverhulme Trust Research Grant for the Automobility and the Urban Environment in Nagoya and Birmingham project.
Research suggests fraud blindness is rampant in business and organisations
A collaboration between our University and experienced fraud investigators has resulted in research which could provide a breakthrough.
Explore the range of post-16 activities we offer for students looking to discover university.
Work and pay
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on June 8, 2015 Find out how pay compares in different sectors using this quiz from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings.
Alcohol and Authenticity – University of Leicester
Discussion of alcohol and authenticity as a research theme within Drinking Studies Network, related conferences, and an edited volume Biographies of Drink (CSP, 2015)