Geography at Leicester
Geography at Leicester is widely recognised as having an established international reputation for the provision of high-quality graduate programmes.
We provide specialist training in a range of areas to prepare you fully for careers in business, planning and management, as active decision makers in national and international organisations, and as productive scientists in research institutions and academia.
We have a large, vibrant and friendly postgraduate community housed in modern facilities with dedicated computer access.

Available degrees
Geographical Information Science MSc (with optional industry placement)
1-2 years, full-time or part-time
This degree looks at the systems and software used to analyse geographic data. GIS is an increasingly important field, with real-world applications in areas like business, modelling, environmental protection, forecasting and regional planning.
The quality of our GIS programme is reflected in its professional accreditation (RICS).
Environmental Futures MSc
1-2 years, full-time or part-time
This is for you if... you want to develop critical, applied understanding of contemporary environmental challenges and prospective solutions, drawing on theories, approaches and methods from across Geography and Earth Sciences.
Environmental Data Science MSc
1 year, full-time
How do the geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere interact? This course will develop your skills in data manipulation and interpretation in order to understand and model natural systems and help solve the world’s pressing environmental issues. You will gain the ability to find patterns and trends in datasets to uncover new insights. As a trained data scientist, many careers are open to you.
Environmental System Science MSc
1-2 years, full-time or part-time
This interdisciplinary MSc will allow you to develop a deep understanding of environmental system behaviour, on local and global scales, whilst also learning how the environment has been impacted by humans and how we can best manage these impacts.
Geographical Data Science MSc
1 year, full-time
Where, when, and why do things happen? Modelling, analysing and interpreting social, economic and environmental phenomena is the core of this course, and it equips you to manipulate such data by applying the techniques of data science, spatial analysis and geographical artificial intelligence. As a trained geographical data scientist many careers are open to you.
Satellite Data Science MSc (with optional industry placement)
1-2 years, full-time or part-time
Satellite observations of the Earth provide us with detailed information about the natural environment and allow us to monitor how humans are altering the planet. This degree gives a broad-based education in data analytics techniques suitable for careers in data science in multiple sectors.