Igneous Petrogenesis

Module code: GL4076

In this module, you’ll build on the knowledge gained during your first and second years of study and develop a deep understanding of the processes governing the formation of igneous rocks, including the Earth’s mantle, magma forming processes and the formation of igneous rock at various tectonic settings. You’ll also look at the formation of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), large igneous provinces (continental and oceanic), and island arc formation. We will address the genesis, evolution and the importance of crustal growth and the formation of high silica magmas including rhyolitic and granitic rocks.

The course expands upon fundamental principles of magma formation including the structure of silicate liquids, the role of partition coefficients in partial melting and crystal fractionation processes utilising phase diagrams and melt fields. You will also study processes which change the composition of primary magmas including assimilation, contamination and mixing between different magmas. You’ll learn to use and interpret geochemical characteristics of igneous rocks as petrogenetic indicators. Focus for these characterisations will be on conventional whole rock and mineral chemical data including radiogenic isotopes.

Topics covered

  • The petrogenesis of volcanic rocks and crust-mantle evolution over time
  • How to provide an effective evaluation of a complex and multidimensional set of geochemical data
  • Using geochemical data in order to forward model various igneous processes including fractional crystallisation and partial melting
  • Preparing a short report to a standard required by scientific journals on an aspect of igneous petrogenesis (assessed mini project)
  • How to input, manipulate, plot and interpret data using a spreadsheet
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