Leading historians to showcase cutting-edge research into anti-Semitic terror in Nazi Germany
Leading historians will be discussing their cutting-edge research into anti-Semitic terror in Nazi Germany at a free public lecture on Tuesday 25 October.
Science Minister praises Leicesters leading position in space science and pledges to visit University
The Minister for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, Sam Gyimah, has spoken of ‘Leicester’s leading position in space research and science research’ and pledged to visit the University during a debate on Space Policy in the House of Commons.
Leap in modelling human impact on climate may lead to early warning of climate disasters
Mathematicians led by the University of Leicester have applied statistical mechanics to climate change detection and attribution for first time, showing how to separate the ‘signal’ of human-made climate change from the ‘noise’ of natural climate fluctuations
Expert comment Tony Blair is right Prime Ministers must be allowed to take difficult decisions
The Iraq war was a ‘catastrophic error’ and shows us that going to war should always be the last resort, according to Dr Robert Dover from the Department of Politics and International Relations.
The School of Geography, Geology and the Environment offers a range of outreach activities and events for prospective students, parents and teachers who are interested in finding out more about our degree programmes and about life at the University of Leicester more generally.
Consuming Authenticities is the project blog of an AHRC-funded research project “Consuming Authenticities: Time, Place and the Past in the Construction of ‘Authentic’ Foods and Drinks” involving scholars from the Universities of Leicester, Exeter, Wales Trinity St David, and...
Consuming Authenticity Project
Posted by Deborah Toner in Consuming Authenticities on December 17, 2014 Really excited to be working on this project with you all.
Feng Jiang
The academic profile of Dr Feng Jiang, Associate Professor at University of Leicester
Digitising oral history recordings
With analogue becoming more of a thing of the past, learn more about recording and keeping digital copies of oral history materials.
Summarising and transcription
After you have finished your interviews, the hard work doesn't stop there. Learn more about summarsing and transcribing your oral history materials.