We welcome students from Portugal. Find out about entry requirements, the Portuguese student community and other country-specific information.
Archaeological findings in Leicestershire provide further understanding of Dark Ages life
The excavation of one of the largest-known early Anglo-Saxon settlements in the country has been published by University of Leicester Archaeological Services (ULAS).
MIRI on the right tracks at NASA Johnson
UK scientists and engineers – including colleagues from our University - are celebrating following the confirmation that their instrument has performed very well during the cryogenic testing for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) at NASA Johnson Space Flight Center in...
"So far, I've honestly had a lovely experience with using the dissection room at Leicester as it complements my learning in a more practical way.
Hong Kong SAR
We welcome students from Hong Kong SAR. Find out about entry requirements, the Hong Kong student community and other country-specific information.
Green Energy and Transport
The School of Engineering is actively involved in the push towards Net Zero Energy and Transportation Systems. Learn more about the staff, and the activities undertaken in the School.
'Remembering Rosa Parks: Understanding the US Civil Rights Movement' (schools event)
Mastering Medieval Sources
Module code: HS7022/ML7022 The range and scale of sources for studying the Middle Ages is vast, and few students have had the opportunity to tackle more than a few during their undergraduate degrees.
Scientists invited to take advantage of leading high energy research centres
Our University is facilitating a Europe-wide programme that makes available some of the leading facilities in high energy astrophysics to scientists from around the world.
Teacher training at Leicester
At the University of Leicester, we have a long and proud history of training outstanding primary and secondary school teachers with excellent employment prospects. Find out more about our PGCE courses.