East and South East Asia Engineering Scholarship
Find out more about the East and South East Asia Engineering Scholarship, awarded in Engineering at Leicester.
Our Impact so Far – University of Leicester
Outline of the results - in terms of research impact - the consuming authenticities AHRC project has achieved to date, with a focus on the research collaboration facilitated by a workshop at the National Library of Wales.
Acarajé Diaries Day 0 – University of Leicester
Project co-investigator embarks on a research trip to Salvador, Bahia in Brazil to find out more about the bahianas do acarajé.
Conversations with… Prof. Richard Alexander
Conversations with... Prof. Richard Alexander
Via, veritas, vita. A tribute to Jean Humphreys During several of our visits to see Jean when she was in the Nursing Home, she said to me in her inimitable Scottish way ‘I want you to preach me out’.
Richard Allen
The academic profile of Dr Richard Allen, Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis Mike Bray Research Fellow at University of Leicester
Modelling Migration
Academic advisors Professor Simon James Professor Mark Jobling Professor Jo Story Research Associate Dr Rita Rasteiro Human genetic diversity has been described as a palimpsest, in which many layers, reflecting different demographic episodes such as...
Mick Herron, Bernadine Evaristo, Nina Stibbe and Kit de Waal headline 2023 Literary Leicester festival
The programme for Literary Leicester, the University of Leicester's annual free literary festival, has been announced today. Literary Leicester will take place between Wednesday 22 March and Saturday 25 March at the university and other venues across the city.
BSL Level 2
British Sign Language Level 2 course at Leicester University
Physics and Astronomy October-November 2021 Digest
Physics and Astronomy October-November 2021 Digest