
16392 results for: ‘%s’

  • Leicester student sets British Rubiks cube record

    A Leicester student has become the fastest British person to solve a Rubik's cube after he solved the puzzle in a staggering 6.54 seconds.

  • Information for students

    Learn more about the RefugEAP course aims, features, frequently asked questions and how to apply.

  • Hospital acquired infections

    Nosocomial (hospital acquired) infections are associated with antibiotic resistance, and lead to unnecessary hospital admissions.

  • Mitigating our Environmental Impact

    The University of Leicester is committed to achieving net zero.

  • Hotspots and minisatellites

    Instrumental to Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys' refining of the genetic fingerprinting technique were hotspots of activity and minisatellites.

  • Towards Modernity: Postmedieval and Historical Archaeology

    Module code: AR2042 The postmedieval or ‘historical’ period is generally defined as the last 500 years.

  • Why is reporting quality improvement in the surgical literature so hard?

  • Bradgate Park Fieldschool

    Our fieldschool held annually between 2015 and 2019 This major student training and research excavation project focuses on the upland landscape of Bradgate Park, Leicestershire.

  • Video competition to help Brazil solve resources problems

    Children and young people can play their part in helping to secure future supplies of food, water and energy in Brazil with the launch of an exciting new global video competition.

  • Historical directories

    a digital collection of eighteenth and nineteenth century trade and local directories for family, local and urban historians

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