
16392 results for: ‘%s’

  • The Other in American Fiction and Film

    Module code: EN3130 Who are the monsters in contemporary America? Those who transgress boundaries of sex, gender, race, sexuality? Those whose bodies are 'different', whose very identity contests and destabilises the dominant order? In this module you will...

  • The Other in American Fiction and Film

    Module code: EN3130 Who are the monsters in contemporary America? Those who transgress boundaries of sex, gender, race, sexuality? Those whose bodies are 'different', whose very identity contests and destabilises the dominant order? In this module you will...

  • The Other in American Fiction and Film

    Module code: EN3130 Who are the monsters in contemporary America? Those who transgress boundaries of sex, gender, race, sexuality? Those whose bodies are 'different', whose very identity contests and destabilises the dominant order? In this module you will...

  • Colombia

    We welcome students from Colombia. Find out about entry requirements, the Colombian student community and other country-specific information.

  • Ancient History and Classical Archaeology MA, PGDip, PGCert, by distance learning

    Combine the study of ancient history with archaeology to explore the societies of Greece and Rome, those that surrounded them, and their influence both on the past and the modern world

  • News

    Browse the news stories from the Hopkinson Group at the University of Leicester.

  • Living with COVID-19

    h1 {color:#000;} |Last updated: Friday 13 October 2023 It has been some time since the UK Government brought an end to COVID-19 restrictions in England and introduced their Living With COVID-19 plan, we have moved into the next phase of living with the virus, which...

  • Copyright and ethics

    Learn more about copyright and ethics when it comes to conducting oral history interviews.

  • People Studying People: Research Ethics in Society MOOC

    This is for you if... you want to explore the value of ethical thinking for research, using an ethical appraisal framework to develop and evaluate studies.

  • The nuclear bomb: destroyers of planets?

    Read the article "The nuclear bomb: destroyers of planets?" This is part of the Social Worlds project at the University of Leicester.

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