
Dr Sally-Anne Barnes

Associate Professor in Human Resource Management

Profile of Sally-Anne Barnes

School/Department: Business, School of



I joined the Department of Work, Employment, Management and Organisation at ULSB in 2022. I am programme lead for the MSc Human Resource Management and Training course, and lead on both undergraduate and postgraduate modules in research methods, HRM and enterprise. I am also the Faculty Development Representative and undergraduate personal tutor in my department. 

My background is in research with over 20 years of experience working on and successfully managing a range of projects in the career development field to inform policy and practice. My research interests focus on the transformation of careers and the labour market, plus how individuals engage with career development, lifelong guidance and learning across the life course. My international research projects have examined how individuals navigate the labour market and the narratives around those transitions and decisions. I have taught within the higher education sector for a number of years, plus designed and delivered face-to-face and online training for career development practitioners, employment service providers and local governments.




With an established track record in research, I have worked on and successfully managed a number of projects in the career development field for over 20 years. My international research projects have investigated the transformation of careers and the labour market and the impact of technology on work, plus how individuals engage with lifelong guidance. I have particular expertise in labour market data and its technical applications, focusing on career development, and the use of ICT to support career development practitioners. I have undertaken research for the UK Government, sector bodies, charities and international organisations (such as the EC, OECD, CEDEFOP), the findings of which have been used to inform policy and practice.

I am an experienced researcher and have particular expertise in qualitative research methodologies and data analysis techniques as applied to longitudinal biographical research. Utilising my expertise in different literature review methodologies, I have undertaken a number of reviews on lifelong guidance, career adaptability, career development interventions, employability, self-employment, skills diagnostics and screening tools, the armed forces community and internet-enabled labour exchanges.

At ULSB, I am co-lead of the Education and Work Transitions research group with Réka Plugor and a member of the Future of Work research cluster.



Selected peer reviewed journal articles

  • Kettunen, J., Barnes, S-A., Bimrose, J., Brown, A., & Vuorinen, R. (2023). Career experts' conceptions of systems development in lifelong guidanceInternational Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance
  • Orton, M., Green, A., Atfield, G., & Barnes, S-A. (2018). Employer Participation in Active Labour Market Policy: from Reactive Gatekeepers to Proactive Strategic Partners. Journal of Social Policy 48(3): 511-528.
  • Barnes, S-A., & Brown, A. (2016). Stories of learning and their significance to future pathways and aspirations. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 44(2): 233-242.
  • Barnes, S-A., Thomsen, R., Weber, P.C., & Barabasch, A. (2016). Special Issue: Learning and career transitions of low qualified adults in Europe. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 44(2): 141-144.
  • Barnes, S-A., Green, A., & de Hoyos, M. (2015). Crowdsourcing and work: individual factors and circumstances influencing employability. New Technology, Work and Employment 30(1): 16-31.
  • Bimrose, J., Cohen, L., Arnold, J., & Barnes, S-A. (2013) Reframing Careers (editorial), British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 41(3): 219-225.
  • Kaschig, A., Maier, R., Sandow, A., Lazoi, M., Schmidt, A., Barnes, S-A., Bimrose, J., Brown, A., Bradley, C., Kunzmann, C., & Mazarakis, A. (2013). Organizational Learning from the Perspective of Knowledge Maturing Activities, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 6(2): 158-176.
  • Barnes, S-A. (2012). The differential impact of ICT on employees: narratives from a high-tech organisation, New Technology, Work and Employment 27(2): 120-132.
  • Brown, A., Bimrose, J., Barnes, S-A., & Hughes, D. (2012). The role of career adapt-abilities for mid-career changers, Journal of Vocational Behaviour 80(3): 754-761.
  • Bimrose, J., Brown, A., & Barnes, S-A. (2008). Reshaping careers, learning and identities: Career attachments as anchors or chains?, Perspectives in Education 26(3): 71-80.
  • Bimrose, J., & Barnes, S-A. (2007). Styles of Career Decision Making, Australian Journal of Career Development 16(2): 20-28.
  • Bimrose, J. & Barnes, S-A. (2006). Is career guidance effective? Evidence from a longitudinal study in England, Australian Journal of Career Development 15(2): 19-25.
  • Barnes, S-A., Green, A.E., Orton, M., & Bimrose, J. (2005). Redressing gender inequality in employment: the national and sub-regional policy ‘fit’, Local Economy 20(2): 154-167.

Selected book chapters

  • Wright, S., & Barnes, S-A., with Behrend, C., Kohlgrueber, M., & Götting, A. (2023). Interacting skills: High Road strategies for digital transformation. In Oeij, P., Kirov, V., & Pomares, E. (Eds.) The practical side of digital transformation: A tool book for practitioners. Sofia, Bulgaria: Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, pp. 99-113. ISBN: 978-619-245-316-9.
  • Barnes, S-A. (2018). Career services filling the gap: Reconciling labour market mismatches. In: Hogarth, T. (ed) Economy, employment and skills: European, regional and global perspectives in an age of uncertainly. Italy: Quaderni Fondazione Giacomo Brodlini Studi E Ricerche. (pp. 195-208). ISBN 9788895380452.
  • Green, A., de Hoyos, M., Barnes, S-A., Baldauf, B., & Behle, H. (2015). ICT, internet-enabled work and implications for space and entrepreneurship. In: Mason C., Reuschke, D., Syrett, S., & van Ham, M. (eds.) Entrepreneurship in Cities: Neighbourhoods, Households and Homes. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (pp. 58-79). ISBN 978 1 78471 199 3.
  • Bimrose, J., & Barnes, S-A. (2010). ‘Gli stili di decision-making professionale: quali implicazioni per la pratica? (Career decision-making styles: Implications for practice?)’, in L. Nota & S. Soresi (Eds.) Sfide e nuovi orizzonti per l'orientamento - 1 Metodologie e buone pratiche. Florence, Italy: Giunti O.S. Organizzazioni Speciali, pp. 216 – 224. ISBN: 978-88-09-74907-8
  • Kaschig, A., Maier, R., Sandow, A., Lazoi, M., Barnes, S-A., Bimrose, J., Bradley, C., Brown, A., Kunzmann, C., & Mazarakis, A. (2010). 'Knowledge Maturing Activities and Practices Fostering Organisational Learning: Results of an Empirical Study', in Wolpers, M., Kirschner, P.A., Scheffel, M., Lindstaedt, S. & Dimitrova, V. (eds.) Sustaining TEL: From Innovation to Learning and Practice, pp.151- 166, Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-642-16019-0)
  • Bimrose, J., & Barnes, S-A. (2009). ‘Measuring the effectiveness of career counselling’, in R. Arnold, W. Gieseke & C. Zeuner (Eds) Bildungsberatung im Dialog: Grundlagen der Berufs- und Erwachsenenbildung (Band 61). Baltmannsweiler, Germany: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren Gmbh Publishing Company. (pp.79-96) ISBN 978-3-8340-0554-0.
  • Brown, A., Bimrose, J., & Barnes, S-A. (2009). ‘Collaborative work-related learning and technology-enhanced learning’, in R. Maclean & D. Wilson (eds) International Handbook of Education for the Changing World of Work: Bridging Academic and Vocational Learning. Bonn, Germany: Springer Science+Business Media B.V. (Volume 4 part VI, Education for work: research, curriculum development and delivery) ISBN: 978-1-4020-5280-4. (Chapter X.8, pp. 1687-1698).
  • Barnes, S-A., & Bimrose, J. (2006). ‘Effective guidance: Transforming clients’ futures’, in Reid, H. & Bimrose, J. (eds) Constructing Futures IV: Transforming Career Guidance. London: Institute for Career Guidance (pp. 21-33). ISBN 0-903076-28-4.
  • Bimrose, J., Marris, L., Barnes, S-A., & Mason, A. (2006). ‘Labour Market Information: Broadening horizons and connecting practitioners’, in Reid, H. & Bimrose, J. (eds) Constructing Futures IV: Transforming Career Guidance. London: Institute for Career Guidance (pp. 89-102). ISBN 0-903076-28-4.

Selected published research outputs

Careers education and guidance

Labour market transitions

Armed forces community

Labour market data and labour market information systems

  • Barnes, S-A., Hogarth, T., Wright, S., Baldauf, B., & Cárdenas-Rubio, J. (2022). Labour market information and an assessment of its applications: A series of international case studies (DfE Research report). London: Department for Education.
  • Barnes, S-A., Bimrose, J., Hogarth, T., Cárdenas-Rubio, J. with Bosworth, L., Bosworth, D., Day, R., Owen, D., Wilson, R., Attwell, G., & Rustemeier, P. (forthcoming). Enhancing a labour market information database: LMI for All. Stakeholder Engagement and Usage, Data and Technical Developments (2020-2021) (Research report). London: Department for Education. (More information on LMI for All service and reports)
  • Barnes, S-A., Hogarth, T., Cárdenas-Rubio, J., Wright, S., Hawthorne, M., Bosworth, D., & Bosworth, L. (2021). Strategic, Accessible Labour Market Intelligence: Labour market demand and supply of skills (Report 1). IER University of Warwick/Skills Development Scotland.
  • Barnes, S-A., Bosworth, L., Wright, S., Hawthorne, M., Hogarth, T., Cárdenas-Rubio, J. & Bosworth, D. (2021). Strategic, Accessible Labour Market Intelligence: Digital platform (Report 3). IER University of Warwick/Skills Development Scotland.


I am happy to hear from potential PhD candidates with interests around the following research areas:

  • Career development and HRM
  • Education and labour market transitions, career pathways and career decision making
  • Lifelong guidance and learning across the life course

I am currently co-supervising three doctoral students.

I have supervised a number of doctoral students to successful completion, chaired upgrade panels and acted as an external examiner.


BA Human resource management and BA Business and management
Module leader: MN1027 Enterprise in Practice
Lecturer: MN2027 Labour market trends and debates

MSc International Management, MSc Management and Leadership and MSc Healthcare Management
Co-module leader: MN7408 Research methods for managers

MSc Human Resource Management and Training
Lecturer: MN7367 Managing HR in a business context
Lecturer and project supervisor: MN7371 Research methods and dissertation

MSc Human Resource Management and Training (distance learning)
Lecturer: MN7648 Managing HR in a business context
Supervisor: LM7504 Dissertation

Project and dissertation supervisor:
MN3201 Project (BA Business and Management)
MN3203 Project (BA Human Resource Management)
MN7411 Dissertation (MSc International Management)



  • 2023 to date, Visiting researcher, Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä
  • 2023-2024, Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance - Special issue 'Digitalisation and digital transformation in guidance', co-editor with Professor Jaana Kettunen (Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä)
  • 2023 – 2026, Honorary Reader, University of Warwick
  • 2022-2025, Member of Academic Advisory Board for the Office for Veterans’ Affairs
  • 2022, Reviewer for NICE (Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe) Academy (Pristina, Kosovo)
  • 2022, Reviewer for R&D Management Conference (Trento, Italy) 
  • 2017 to date, Member of International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance
  • 2019-2021, Invited member of NESTA labour market intelligence network
  • 2018-2022, Editorial board member for the Educational Research Review

Reviewer for Nordic Journal of Transitions, Careers and Guidance, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, Psychological Reports and Social Policy and Society, plus evaluated research applications and outputs for the ESRC, Swiss National Science Foundation, College of Policing and Fonds National de la Recherche (Luxembourg)


Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 


Selected keynote, symposia and invited speaker presentations

  • Bimrose, J., & Barnes, S-A. (2022). ‘The use of LMI in career guidance and employment services’. Invited presentation as part of the Capacity building programme for ASEAN member states on the use of LMI for better skills anticipation and matching, International Training Center, International Labour Organizaton (30 November 2022).
  • Barnes, S-A., & Bimrose, J. (2022). ‘Maximising the effectiveness of LMI in practice’. Invited speaker for Career Development Institute (22 September 2022).
  • Wright, S. with Barnes, S-A. (2022). 'Capturing the journey of the long-term unemployed into the labour market'. Invited presentation at Where next for research on active labour market policy and employability-support programmes?, People, Organisations and Work Institute (POWI), De Montfort University, Leicester (21 March 2022).
  • Bimrose, J. & Barnes, S-A. (2020). Labour market information (invited speakers). Careers leader professional network meeting. North East Local Enterprise Partnership, 2 December 2020.
    Barnes, S-A. (2020). Distance travelled models. Keynote at ESF+ Data Network Meeting, European Commission (21 October 2020). 
  • Barnes, S-A. (2020). Providing careers labour market information: LMI for All. (keynote) Enhancing Labour Market Relevance and Outcomes (LMRO) of Higher Education. LMRO Partnership Initiative Peer Learning Activities: 1st International Policy and Practice Seminar on Labour Market Information for Learners and Higher Education Institutions, OECD, 30 November 2020.

Selected conference papers and presentations

  • Barnes, S-A., Fisher, N., Newell, K., & Lyonette, C. (2023). The challenges of securing and maintaining longer-term civilian employment for UK military service leavers: A multilevel perspective. Paper presentation at BSA Work, Employment & Society Conference, Repositioning Resistance in the Workplace: Reframing Relationality and Risk in Contemporary Work and Employment. Glasgow Caledonian University, UK (13-15 September).
  • Kettunen, J., & Barnes, S-A. (2023).  Developing a holistic system of lifelong guidance: Perspectives from career experts. Paper presentation the IAEVG international conference, Lifelong Development as a Standard. The Hague, The Netherlands (28-30 June). 
    Kettunen, J., & Barnes, S-A. (2022).  Innovation in career development: Perspectives from Career Development Experts. Paper presentation the IAEVG international conference, COVID-19 and Digital transformation: Choice, Educational Prospects and Employment Challenges. Seoul, Korea (6-8 December). 
  • Barnes, S-A., Vuorinen, R., Kettunen, J., Bimrose, J., & Brown, A. (2021). Maximising the potential of a lifelong guidance ecosystem. Workshop at the 44th IAEVG online international conference, Maximizing Potential of Career Guidance. Riga, Latvia (19-21 October). (voted 9th highest rated contribution from over a 100 papers)
  • Wright, S.A., & Barnes, S-A. (2021). New measures of progression to the labour market: Distance travelled models for the long-term unemployed. Paper presented at the 44th IAEVG online international conference, Maximizing Potential of Career Guidance. Riga, Latvia (19-21 October). (voted 3rd highest rated contribution from over a 100 papers)
  • Barnes, S-A., Bimrose, J., & Brown, A. (2021). Supporting parents/carers to engage in careers education. Paper presented at the 44th IAEVG online international conference, Maximizing Potential of Career Guidance. Riga, Latvia (19-21 October).
  • Cárdenas-Rubio, J., Barnes, S-A. & Bosworth, D. (2021). Developing online job vacancy data for LMI for All. Exploring Online Job Vacancy Data, ESCoE virtual workshop (In partnership with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)), 9 December 2020.
  • Bimrose, J. & Barnes, S-A. (2019) The impact of the changing labour market on the practice of career guidance counsellors. Presentation at IAEVG conference ‘Career guidance for inclusive society’, Bratislava (11-13 September 2019).


  • Postgraduate Award in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, University of Warwick 
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Employment Research, University of Warwick 
  • PhD in Sociology (ESRC Postgraduate Training Award), University of Warwick
  • MA in Training and Human Resource Development (Awarded ESRC Advanced Course Studentship), University of Warwick 
  • BA (Hons) in Sociology and Health Studies with Honours, University of Essex 

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