
16391 results for: ‘%s’

  • Ecology, Climate and Land-use processes of the Amazon Tropical Forests

    Module code: GY3440 This module focusses on modern concepts in ecology and the connections between climate and land-use processes. The module aims to understand, quantify and predict the future of the Amazon forests in a changing world.

  • Ecology, Climate and Land-use processes of the Amazon Tropical Forests

    Module code: GY3440 This module focusses on modern concepts in ecology and the connections between climate and land-use processes. The module aims to understand, quantify and predict the future of the Amazon forests in a changing world.

  • Governance

    Governance refers to the systems, structures, procedures and rules by which the University takes key decisions on its affairs.

  • B

    BAMAT (Bibliographie Annuelle du Moyen Age Tardif) A bibliographic database of authors and texts from the last centuries of the Middle Ages (1250-1535) published by Brepols in partnership with the Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes (IRHT).

  • Transforming practice

    The Centre for Hate Studies has provided evidence-based recommendations for criminal agencies and third-sector organisations across the UK, which has resulted in a number of practice changes in the criminal system. Read testimonials with those we have worked with.

  • Archaeological fieldschool

    ULAS offers a 2 to 4 week fieldschool placement, intended for those who are interested in gaining understanding of archaeological investigations associated with commercial development.

  • Personal information

    Personal Information ; Photo; Name Details; Contact Details; Emergency Contact Details; Consent Preferences

  • HeadStart+ Programme

    The HeadStart+ Programme is a two week online preparation course aimed at giving international students training in key academic skills in preparation for university study in the UK.

  • Leicester University Law Society announces esteemed barrister as Honorary Chair

    Award-winning barrister, Oliver Nunn has been appointed as Honorary Chair of University of Leicester Law Society

  • Quality and Safety in Healthcare CPD

    This is for you if... you have experience of working in healthcare and want to improve your knowledge of the theory and practice of improving quality and safety within the sector.

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