
16390 results for: ‘%s’

  • Collaborative Doctoral Studentships (AHRC and ESRC scholarships)

    History at Leicester has an outstanding track record for winning research studentships under the AHRC Collaborative Doctoral schemes (CDP / CDA). Find out more about our award holders, external partner institutions and academic mentors.

  • BSL Level 1: Part 1

    British Sign Language Part 1 course at Leicester University

  • Security, Conflict and International Development MA, PGDip, PGCert by distance learning

    Why do humanitarian emergencies occur and how can we better respond to them? What better way to explore some of the most pressing concerns in contemporary global politics than by joining a global learning community dedicated to understanding them? Together you’ll interrogate...

  • Use of social media

    We enjoy talking to our communities on our social media platforms and have a few house rules to make sure our groups and pages can be enjoyed by everyone.

  • Medicine with Foundation Year MBChB

    Medicine degrees aren’t easy to get into. But this doesn’t mean becoming a doctor is out of the question. If it looks like you won’t meet the entry requirements to study medicine at Leicester, this Foundation Year degree is your path to making it happen.

  • Address misinformation and mistrust to help tackle COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in healthcare workers, study suggests

    Addressing misinformation and mistrust, inclusive communication, involving healthcare workers in the vaccine rollout, and promoting vaccination through trusted networks could play an important role in helping to tackle vaccine hesitancy amongst healthcare workers from ethnic...

  • Our speakers

    Elaine Boyle Elaine is the LCFC Professor in Child Health and an Honorary Consultant Neonatologist at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. She leads the LCFC Programme of Research.

  • Changing the face of British sport governance

    Sporting Equals and the University of Leicester are partners in a New LeaderBoard Academy in Sports Governance

  • Research seminars

    The School of Geography, Geology and the Environment hosts numerous research seminars relating to Earth and Environmental Sciences and Human Geography, where external and internal speakers present the results of their latest research.

  • Operating Department Practice Apprenticeship

    ODPs play a crucial role in a patient’s care – working alongside nurses, doctors and anaesthetists from the lead up to surgery right through to recovery. This apprenticeship degree covers all aspects of the job, setting you up for a career in the profession.

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