Principles of Personal Taxation
Module code: EC2083 In the UK an individual is required to pay taxes on all income they receive that meets the thresholds set out by the different levels of the government.
Media Research Methods
Module code: MS7400 During this module you’ll explore and assess many of the theories behind media research that you can apply to your own studies. You’ll start by exploring the basic concepts widely used in the research process, and the nature of the research process.
Global Film Culture
Module code: MS2012 This module will explore and discuss some of the most important and exciting cinematic movements in the global history of the cinema, and evaluate some of the main ways these have been interpreted and understood by film critics and theorists – and we will...
Advanced Materials Characterisation
Module code: EG4064 Advanced imaging and other materials characterisation techniques are as invaluable for the understanding of biological processes and human disease as they are for the analysis of structural steels or semi-conducting materials for electronics.
Our approach
We seek to create an environment in which both disciplinary excellence and interdisciplinarity thrives. Find out more about our approach to research.
Dissertation part 2
Module code: MN3103 You're coming to the end of your undergraduate study, and your dissertation offers you the opportunity to put all your learning into practice by undertaking a substantive piece of research on an issue of your choice.
Dissertation part 1
Module code: MN3101 You're coming to the end of your undergraduate study, and your dissertation offers you the opportunity to put all your learning into practice by undertaking a substantive piece of research on an issue of your choice.
Politics of the International Drug Trade
Module code: PL3142 The illegal drug trade has been estimated to take up almost 1% of all trade on Earth.
Reseach Methods for Healthcare Managers
Module code: MN7418 This module aims to introduce you to the theory and practice of social science research.
Pedagogy: Lead Module
Module code: ED7314 (double module) This first module of the Pedagogy pathway creates a firm foundation for developing a deep and critical understanding of the dynamics of learning and teaching within and beyond the classroom.