
21028 results for: ‘%s’

  • Artificial Intelligence tool successfully predicts fatal heart rhythm

    In a Leicester study that looked at whether artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to predict whether a person was at risk of a lethal heart rhythm, an AI tool correctly identified the condition 80 per cent of the time.

  • Increased activity during the summer caused by genes

    The warm temperature on a summer’s day is often a time for relaxing, but researchers from the Department of Genetics have suggested that a ‘thermosensory’ gene could be responsible for changes in behaviour in different climates.

  • Criminal Law, Criminal Justice and Criminology

    The Criminal Law, Criminal Justice and Criminology research cluster is comprised of staff engaged in research related to criminal justice matters, from the substantive criminal law to the administration of justice to criminological perspectives.

  • The bottle of water: what does it mean to commodify a natural resource?

    Read the article "The bottle of water: what does it mean to commodify a natural resource?" This is part of the Social Worlds project at the University of Leicester.

  • BoB: An invitation

    Posted by David Hopkins in College of Social Science: Technology Enhanced Learning Blog on March 5, 2014 We have had confirmation from LTAG (Learning and Teaching Advisory Group) that the University of Leicester has secured a pilot version of Box of Broadcasts  for...

  • Geographical Visualisation

    Module code: GY7704 This module has been re-designed to introduce you not only to the theories of geographic visualisation, but also practical elements to support your learning.

  • Film, Reception and Consumption

    Module code: HA2433 In this module, you will investigate the process of film production and consumption within wider contexts of contemporary global film industries and markets.

  • Film, Reception and Consumption

    Module code: HA2433 In this module, you will investigate the process of film production and consumption within wider contexts of contemporary global film industries and markets.

  • Geographical Visualisation

    Module code: GY7704 This module has been re-designed to introduce you not only to the theories of geographic visualisation, but also practical elements to support your learning.

  • Film, Reception and Consumption

    Module code: HA2433 In this module, you will investigate the process of film production and consumption within wider contexts of contemporary global film industries and markets.

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