British Empire and Commonwealth
Discover the collections relating to the British Empire and Commonwealth within the East Midlands Oral History Archive.
Attenborough Arts announces new partnership with the British Museum
The University of Leicester’s Attenborough Arts Centre has been named today as one of the British Museum’s key cultural partners for 2021, and will be collaborating on a new innovative national programme for young people named Where we are… Working in partnership with...
Research shows new way lungs respond in asthma attacks
A team led by Professor Andrew Tobin (Department of Molecular and Cell Biology) and Dr Yassine Amrani (Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation) has discovered a new way in which the lungs operate during asthma that could lead to new treatments for...
Forensic Science
From DNA to Richard III, discover more about Forensic Science at the University of Leicester.
Writing the Past
Module code: AH7703 How did historians in the ancient world make sense of the past? What function did historical writing fulfil in Greece and Rome and how did this change throughout antiquity? How did historians shape their works rhetorically, and make their accounts seem...
Writing the Past
Module code: AH7703 How did historians in the ancient world make sense of the past? What function did historical writing fulfil in Greece and Rome and how did this change throughout antiquity? How did historians shape their works rhetorically, and make their accounts seem...
Open Publication and Dissemination Policy
University of Leicester Open Access Policy
New Roman Leicester children’s book and art competition launch
New Roman Leicester children’s book and art competition launch Roman soldier|University of Leicester book and competition to teach children about Roman Britain A new book, Life in the Roman World: Roman Leicester, has been developed by the University of Leicester to educate...
Universitys travel plan praised as an exemplar
The University of Leicester’s travel plan has now been published and has received high praise from the city council. The project led by Dr Sandra Lee from our Environment Team was described as being of ’a very high standard’ and ‘exemplary.
First photo from Junos Jupiter orbit released
NASA’s Juno spacecraft has sent its first in-orbit view. Juno’s visible-light camera was turned on six days after Juno fired its main engine and placed itself into orbit around the largest planetary inhabitant of our solar system. The new view was obtained on 10 July at 6.